
Friday's Updates On Lies of the Heart 25-08-2017

Episode 64 - 65 It begins with Urmi trying to calm Samrat down. Samrat tells Urmi that he doesn't like the women in his house trying to be famous outside. The next morning, Urmi gets call from police station asking her to visit there as witness to the assault. Urmi, who is suppose to play the role of a witness for the case gives special treatment to Samrat tries to ask Samrat for permission if she can go to jail for that victim, but is scared to ask him. After Samrat leaves, Urmi gets a call from one of the cops asking her to come to file her complaint. At Urmi’s house her grandmother asks Rashmi about Aditi and reasons that Samrat break relationship with her. Rashmi tells that Aditi married someone going against the family. Urmi’s grandmother keeps her concern that when Samrat can break relation with his own sister then he can easily break relation with them. At police station, after waiting for a while, the inspector assumes that Urmi will not come and says they are help

Friday's Updates On Twist of Fate 25-08-2017

Episode 580 - 582 Tanu coming to meet Nikhil in the hospital and goes gaga about her plan. She tells how Sarla took blame on herself when she accused Pragya of the theft. Nikhil says we have to plan big. Tanu says she will manipulate Abhi and tell him that if Sarla is thief then Pragya is maha thief. Akash comes to hospital to enquire about Nikhil. Receptionist says that Nikhil is discharged and the bills are paid. Rachna tells Akash that they will get the bills, as it might be on Tanu’s name. Tanu gets happy and thinks to count the notes. She thinks she must be having 80 Lakhs after giving 10 lakhs to nurse and 10 lakhs spent in Nikhil’s treatment. Just then Mitali comes there, and is shocked to see the money bag. She says your theft is caught and says she will tell everyone now. She says Police will arrest you, and we will get prize money. Tanu asks Mitali to hear her once, and says you are happy to get the prize money. She gives her offer and says you will get all money if yo

Wednesday's Recap on The Vow Aired:23-08-2017

At night, Amar is sleeping.Gauri comes into his room and stares at him as he sleeps.Amar wakes up and he's shocked to see her. He asks what she's doing. She tells him to go back to sleep as she just came to see him. He tells her that it's not right to enter anyone's room at night. She tells him he's not just anyone but Shivam.As she is about to leave, she says he will tell her all about where he has been for the past 12 years in the morning. Bharat comes to Divya and says he has to tell her something. She tells him to go on.He turns away from her and says he and Aditi are not married and she's actually someone else's wife. Divya turns him around to face her and she tells him it's not a funny joke. She sees the look on his face and knows he's serious. She asks why he had to lie to them about such a thing. He says he tried to tell her. She says they love him but they can't tolerate the lie and Aditi will have to leave. Bharat wakes up from the

Thursday's Updates On Love oh Love 24-08-2017

Episode 24 - 26 At home, Avni thinks in room that he was waiting for her the whole day and even in cold. She says that they both will again meet someday and it is sure and she smiles. Later, Avni and Raj thinks about each other and wish to meet again soon. Raj is in love with Avni. Next morning, Akshat and his ceremony starts, Akshat is being given sweets to eat by his father in-law and then gifts also and Abhay is taking photographs, Avni quietly comes at the stairs and looks at them and again goes up smiling. She tells her mother that she also wanted to go but Bhavna tells her it is men's ceremony and she can't go. Avni gets sad, Bhavna then tells her that Arpita is going out alone and they will not be there and so only she (Avni ) can go, Avni gets happy and she hugs Arpita, Arpita's mother comes and tells them she have never experienced such cold ever and they all smile. Raj at his home on bed and is having high fever 102 degrees and his sister and Jijaji gives h

Thursday's Updates On Lies of the Heart 24-08-2017

Episode 62 - 63 Urmi finds out the truth about Aditi when her father in-law tells her that break all ties with Aditi and that Samrat gets furious when some one talks about Aditi. On one side she is happy to learn that she has a sisiter-in-law but then she is upset that the entire family has decided to forget her and asks what did she do that he is so upset. Samrat's father tell Urmi why they abandoned Samrat sister and that she spoiled the reputation of their family. Urmi says Aditi did not do anything wrong. Shashi supports Urmi while Shashi's husband says Aditi didn't listen to them, so they have closed the doors for her. Her father in-law further tells her not to talk before Samrat about Aditi and that this is just for her information about aditi and no one here wants to talk about Aditi. Even though Urmi disagrees with their decision, they force her not to talk about her. At Samrat hotel, some customer is unhappy about the waiter food. Samrat asks the waiter to s

Thursday's Updates On Twist of Fate 24-08-2017

Episode 577 - 579 Abhi and others are surprised to hear the siren of the police jeep and Abhi instantly asks Purabh and everyone not to let Police come inside the house. Pragya is tensed for her mother, Sarla as she is alleges of stealing money. Tanu taunts Pragya that she might be happy that she will be saved if Police don’t come inside, and says they will punish them if not police. She also and that she was thinking from where did she get cunning mind? She says it came from her mother. Pragya asks her to shut up. She says if her mother would have asked money then she would have given her. Pragya adds that she heard her talking to someone about the notice, and offered help but she refused. Tanu says it is their joint venture and that Abhi trusts her ( Pragya ), but not her. It is clear that her mothee is doing emotional drama and trapping money. She says Pragya want to be good in Abhi’s eyes, and also makes it clear to Pragya that her Sarla will not be able to escape the police a

Tuesday's Recap On The Vow 2 Aired: 22-08-2017

Episode 564 - 566 The lady who answered the door is the dead boy, Shivam's, fiancée. She thinks Amar is her fiancé coming from London. She introduces herself as Gauri and asks if he doesn't remember her. She calls the family members to come and see him. Shivam's father tells Amar that he waited 12 years for this moment. Amar wonders how to tell them the news. Gauri leaves for the temple. Shivam's mother sees Amar and says he's not Shivam. Amar says she's right, he's Amar. Her husband apologises to Amar and says Gauri was a little girl when Shivam left that was why she mistook Amar for him. He asks if Amar is Shivam's friend and when Shivam will be coming. Amar says Shivam passed away. The mother's prayer tray drops from her hand. Amar and Shivam's family come to the mortuary to see the body. The father asks Amar who killed their son. Amar says their son was so happy that he was coming back home, that he jumped out of a moving bus so as to ta

Wednesday's Updates On Love oh Love 23-08-2017

Episode 21 - 23 Avni sits with Bhavna and then Bhavna asks her what is she thinking? Avni tells her that nothing and she was just thinking how did she and her father do their marriage and asks her mother about her marriage story, Bhavna asks if she always think of this, Avni then asks her how did she say yes to her father and how was their marriage done. Bhavna blushes and tells her to be quiet and Savri tells her to please say it, Bhavna gets up to give Suketh his tablets and that time Savri calls Dauji. Dauji tells Bhavna to tell them as they will not leave her easily, Bhavna then says that she had done the decision by taking the photos without looking at them and then she kept them in a line and she had a sweet parrot, she left the parrot to decide to take the photo and whichever it chose she would marry that man and luckily the parrot chose Suketh then everyone say ohhhhhhhh, Bhavna goes to give tablets and Suketh says that she did not chose him and the parrot chose him, Bhavn

Wednesday's Updates On Lies of the Heart 23-08-2017

Episode 60 - 61 It starts with Samrat’s father noticing Urmi sleeping downstairs and calling Samrat in anger. Samrat warns everyone not to come between husband and wife and taunts that he has already spoilt Diwakar and now they will spoil his wife. Diwakar comes from upstairs and speaks loudly for speaking ill words to him. Diwakar says Samrat considers him spoilt because he keeps his wife with love and respect his parents. After the fight between the brothers, Samrat takes Urmi to the room. The next morning, Samrat asks Urmi to say sorry for his happiness and Urmi does that. Samrat’s mother tries to ignite Samrat but gets upset to know that Urmi apologize to him. Meanwhile, Rashmi takes her husband to Samrat’s hotel for lunch where Samrat welcomes them. While talking Rashmi tells Samrat that, she actually didn’t name the baby and she didn’t buy the cradle either. An upset Samrat feel bad as he comes to know that Rashmi has not given credle to Kanchan's baby neither she kept