
Thursday's Update On Hello Pratibha 30-11-2017

Episode 223 - 225 Sunidhi speaks to her mother why she let Bubu free. Her mother says Pratibha reached there in time else she would have put the case in investigation and will have come to know that she got Bubu kidnapped herself. Sunidhi thanks her mother for taking care of this. Sanjeev comes in, Sunidhi immediately changes tone and says she will speak to her later. After hanging up, she invites Sanjeev to hug her. Sanjeev says Mahen has allowed her to stay but on a condition and that he has promised Mahen that she will change herself. Sunidhi promises and says she will prove herself to be a very good wife, daughter in-law and mother. She hugs Sanjeev and smiles victoriously. Next morning, Kaashi opens the door to Sunidhi’s mother. She had brought gifts for Sunidhi which she asks Kaashi to hold inside. Sunidhi and Sanjeev come out, Sunidhi hugs her mother and cries. Her mother asks her to stop crying now. Pratibha and everyone else also come out, Sunidhi does not stop crying ju

Thursday's Update On Love Happens 30-11-2017

Episode 70 - 72 Raghu, who is surprised to see Bhola donning a formal suit, urges him get back to his original self. However, Bhola tells him that he does not wish to go against Isha's wish. Later, Isha instructs Bhola to keep mum, while she introduces him to her friends saying that Bhola is her French boyfriend. However, soon Bhola's reality is revealed and Isha becomes a laughing stock for her friends. Bhola too is hurt with  all this and chides Isha for trying to change his identity. Meanwhile, Aanya gets shocked when Rahul's ex-girlfriend turns up at the event and passionately hugs Rahul. Raghu is shocked when he sees Bhola crying. Bhola narrates the whole incident and also tells him that Isha had snipped off his lock of hair. Raghu gets furious and decides to reprimand Isha for this. However, Aanya assures him that she will talk to Isha in this regard. Aanya then confronts Isha and tries to explain her that that she has hurt Bhola's sentiments. However, she

Thursday's Update On Love oh Love 30-11-2017

Episode 226 - 228 Meanwhile, Anjali too learns that her son secretly married Avni without their knowledge after seeing their certificate couple with the divorce papers and demand an answer from her son. A flabbergasted Raj admit it to them that he got married to Avni in Umahgao. Vikram and Anjali couldn't believe this and wonders what to do. Raj is confused as to how the information regarding his marriage with Avni had reached Avni's family. Later, Avni enters Raj's house and uses her marriage to Raj to seek revenge on him and his entire family. She show him the divorce papers that he had earlier send to her house which make her family to disown her and made it clear to him that she will not sign the papers and should be prepared to see the worst of her. She then tears the divorce papers into pieces and throw it in the air. Both Raj and his entire family are shocked to see Avni behaving in such manner. Avni fulfils the rituals that a new daughter-in-law has to undergo

Wednesday's Update On Lies of the Heart 29-11-2017

Episode 201 - 202 Samrat gets happy finding as a letter is deliver to his office that contain Urmi's address. He call her hostel and come to know about the rules and regulations of the hostel. He feels happy as he find another way to get Urmi back. Shaurya asks Urmi whether she got the job as she recalls the man’s bad intentions and telling her it’s give-and-take time now. He asks whether she will get a job now. Urmi wipes her tears and says she will get another job because “there’s always a path for every desire. Yeh Honsla song plays in the background. Urmi holds his hand and takes him to a park. She smiles seeing him play there. They then go to a restaurant and she feeds him there. Urmi’s mum is anxious to know whereabouts of Urmi, but Gaurav says he can’t tell her, he promised Urmi. Urmi's mother requests Gaurav to tell her where Urmi is and promises she won’t tell anyone. Gaurav then reveals to her that Urmi is in a working women's hostel at Jhansi. His mum a

Wednesday's Update On Hello Pratibha 29-11-2017

Episode 121 - 122 Pratibha's mother helps her daughter in the kitchen to ease Pratibha's work load. Pratibha asks her mother to work hurriedly as time is running. Pratibha's father is keeping an eye on Kaashi but at the same time, Kaashi shows up at the scene and thinks that Pratibha is taking the help from her parents. Pratibha's father is unaware that Kaashi comes from behind him. Kaashi finds some vessels covered with paper and calls Pratibha and says she is being cunning in her house. She speculates them to be having the vegetables cut by Pratibha's mother and say Sushma had covered the vegetables with newspaper and tells Pratibha's mother that she didn’t expect this from her and asks couldn’t she control herself from her motherhood. Kaashi goes to uncovers the paper but finds it to be empty. Everyone is shocked to see the empty bowls under it. Sushma winks at Pratibha, Sushma and Pratibha's father leave from the kitchen. Kaashi says she can tell

Wednesday's Update On Love Happens 29-11-2017

Episode 67 - 69 Before Aanya can react, Raghu starts laughing and pretends that he is joking and makes it clear that Aanya and he are just friends. Later, Aanya tells Raghu that finally she has realised that she is in love with Rahul. Raghu is shattered but doesn't express his agony. Everyone is in a party mood in Mittal's house, and Rahul and Aanya's engagement date is fixed. Bhola urges Raghu to stop Aanya from getting engaged  with Rahul, but Raghu does not listen to him. Aanya asks Raghu to accompany her to the beauty parlour. Raghu is surprised to see Bhola in the parlour getting a facial done. Bhola tells Raghu that he is doing all this at Isha's behest. Later, Aanya and Isha enter into a tiff and Isha accuses Aanya of being possessive of Raghu. She also tells Aanya that she should marry Raghu instead. However, Raghu intervenes and brings the situation under control. Later, Aanya decides to wear a village outfit for her engagement and urges Rahul also to w

Wednesday's Update On Love oh Love 29-11-2017

Episode 223 - 225 At Avni's residence, the pre funeral rites begin at Avni’s place, Avni and her entire family takes part in Abhay's final rituals where they all pay their last respects. Just then the police reaches there and informs them that they had found a wallet at the scene of the crime. They adds that their doubt was right, and is also sure that Raj is responsible for this murder as they retrieved Raj’s wallet from the crime scene. The wallet is that of Raj's and seeing this all get surprised. Both Avni and Akshat are shocked too. Avni is distraught, as the police says that all evidences indicate that Raj is involved in the murder. Just then, Raj arrives at Avni's house, but she stops him at the threshold, asking how dare he come here. But Raj is disturbed and walks in and tries to lament as to what happened. But he is shocked, and stunned when Avni slaps him in front of everybody, and accuses him of being the culprit. Avni accuses Raj that he killed Abhay,

Tuesday's Update On Lies of the Heart 28-11-2017

Episode 199 - 200 At Anu's residence, the puja happens at their residence too while Asha is still unable to believe that Granny Gayatri is alive. At Paradise presidency hotel, Samrat arrives at the same hotel for his meeting where Urmi is working as a receptionist, oblivious that Urmi is working there as a receptionist. Urmi too is oblivius that Samrat’s meeting is to be conducted in the hotel. Samrat, who finally arrives eyes the hotel with disgust. He then comes inside. The manager inside, briefs Urmi about the meeting thats supposed to happen, without divulging the name of the clientele. Urmi agrees, and bends down to pick up something, in which time, Samrat enters with his caravan. He asks for a pen, and one of his men rush to Urmi to get one, as she stands at the reception desk, oblivious of Samrat’s presence. Samrat frustratedly asks if he would get a pen today or nor. He sees Urmi and is surprised to see her working there. Urmi too is shocked to find Samrat standing i