
Showing posts with the label GEET


 THIS WEEK ON AGE IS JUST A NUMBER  Monday 2 November 2020  Sahil offers to sleep outside the room until Vedika feels comfortable with him. Rekha refuses to accept Vedika as her daughter-in-law. Vedika visits her parentsā€™ home for a post-nuptial-ritual. Tuesday 3 November 2020 Vedika reveals to the her family that Avantika and Saurabh had planned to steal money and jewelry from Sahilā€™s wedding venue. Later, Tanuj, Vedikaā€™s ex-husband, visits Sahilā€™s home and informs that he isnā€™t officially divorced from Vedika. Vedika requests Rekha to allow Sahil to come back home but she refuses. Tanu forcibly takes Vedika away from Sahilā€™s home. He threatens to light her on fire but Sahil saves her in the nick of time. Wednesday 4 November 2020 Prem allows both Sahil and Vedika to live in their house. Vedika sees a nightmare in which Tanuj shoots her with a gun. Vedika decides to bring Sahil and his family together again . Vedika sees Geet with Rahul, her boyfriend, and asks him ...


THIS WEEK TEASERS ON GEET   Monday 1 June 2020 Maan avoids Geet on purpose throughout the day. She then seeks Anwesha's advice. Geet decorates Maan's bathroom with candles and woos him in a short dress but in vain. Brij, disguised as Ranbir the cook, is staying at Maan's house. He plans to kill both Maan and Geet. Maan is concerned about Arjun and Anwesha getting close but Dadima brushes it off.   Tuesday 2 June 2020 Maan finds someone escaping from the outhouse and asks Geet to move in. But she refuses to, until after the wedding. Maan gets CCTV cameras installed everywhere and personally monitors them. Maan suspects Arjun's involvement in the outhouse incident and plans to trap him. Maan keeps a close tab on Arjun and all his actions appear suspicious to him. He once again warns Anwesha to stay away from Arjun.   Wednesday 3 June 2020 At the mall, Maan is shocked to find Arjun innocent. His concern for Geet forces him to believe in tabeez and temples. Me...