Chandra and Mahua are with Bharat. Mahua tells Bharat that she's worried about Sindoora who has been behaving strangely. Bharat says Sindoora believe Divya and Amar want to harm her and he thinks she's losing her mind so he has to call a doctor. He leaves to go and make the call. Mahua tells Chandra that Sindoora's day has finally come after all she has done. The doctor is with Sindoora in her room. She tells him that she saw Amar running and she ran after him then he disappeared and reappeared and she kept running after him till he fell down and she saw it was someone else. Amar tells her to stop. The doctor tells the family members that he wants to see them outside. They follow him out of the room. Sindoora runs to the door to listen. The doctor tells the family members that Sindoora has become mentally ill. Sindoora tells herself that it's a lie. She runs to the mirror to look at herself. Amar thanks the doctor for helping them. Sindoora tells herself that she'...