
Friday's Updates On Life Of Ami 04-Aug-2017

Friday's Updates On Life Of Ami 04-Aug-2017 Episode 64 - 66 Prabha tells Shruti that everyone get up early everyday and specially the daughter in-laws then Shruti says sorry and says that she will not do this from now. Prabha tells Sanjay that everyone should be down in half an hour. Prabha goes in the kitchen and tells Parul that Shruti is still sleeping. Parul is surprised. Prabha asks if their is any daughter in-law so lazy and that her favourite daughter In-law is she ( Parul ). Parul gets happy and tells that she is like a mother to her. Prabha says they should make breakfast, then Parul tells that it is already made. Prabha gets amazed and asks who made it? At the same time, Shruti comes and says that she has made it. Prabha gets irritated on learning that Shruti had prepared breakfast for everyone. Prabha then asks if she has made it and all is ready and says that has she ordered from hotel. Shani comes and gives Shruti Coriander and tells her that she


Thursday's Updates On Twist Of Fate 03-Aug-2017   Episode 534 - 536 Pragya enters her room and Abhi listening to music. She is upset as Abhi is going away from her. She is thinking that tonight was the time when Abhi would meet old Pragya, tonight is the time where the distance between her and Abhi would have vanished and they would have been one. She is starts crying and feels afraid to lose Abhi as her endeavour to get close to Abhi has only been failing. Just then, Abhi feels as if Pragya is crying and removes his headphones while she goes and sleep on sofa wiping her tears. Abhi gets up from his bed and see Pragya sleeping on the sofa and finds her shivering in cold, he goes closer to her where he is not able to see Pragya in any trouble and at last covers her with a blanket and starts starring at her. He remembers old Pragya and finds her innocent but that one thing is missing. He makes Pragya wear her spectacles. Bheegi Bheegi Sadakon Pe Sanam song plays


MONDAY'S UPDATES ON TWIST OF FATE 31-JULY-2017 Episode 525 - 527 Tanu comes to Abhi asking did he call her and about the reason behind calling her. Abhi says yes and says he wants her to meet a special person and share her problems with her. Tanu gets confused as Abhi introduces her to Shanti and says she got her checked today. Then, Abhi says she is a different doctor and informs her that Shanti is a psychiatrist and asks her to tell her problems to Shanti. Tanu immediately gets angry and asks Abhi if he is thinking that she is mad. She shouts by saying she doesn't wants to meet with anyone and refuses to accept that her condition requires a psychiatrist. Abhi says she see blood coming out from tap, doll, etc. He console her by saying to shares her problems, if really it happens then he will not come and save her and further convinces her to let Shanti attend to her. Purabh and Pragya also says Tanu is yet to become mad because she is having hallucinations a

MONDAY'S UPDATES ON LIFE OF AMI Episode 52 - 54 31-JULY-2017

Sanjay being told by everyone to give a sweet to Bhavna. Then he picks up one and gives to Bhavna and everyone clap. Shruti feels jealous on seeing Sanjay and Bhavna performing pre-marital rituals. She realizes how much she loves Sanjay and wants him in her life and so she goes away from there. Sanjay, who is intentionally coming close to Bhavna notices Shruti and again becomes sure about her love for him. Prabha is very much annoyed with Shruti's presence, she goes to her and Shruti tells Prabha that because of her there will be no problem in the marriage and she will not do something such that Sanjay and Bhavna’s marriage will gain any problem. Prabha emotionally blackmails her and tells her that she does not need to act and she knows that Shruti has come there to make another plan to take Sanjay in his love. She further tells Shruti that her plan has failed and Shruti can't do anything and then she tells her that what she had said to her about forgetting Sa