
Friday's Recap On The Vow 2 Aired: 18-08-2017

Episode 558 - 560 Bharat places a tray with Sindoora's saree in the river. He performs some ritual and prayers with a priest as his own way of bidding farewell to his mother. Days later, Amar is getting ready to go to work. He asks Divya if she can find his wallet. She complains that he shouts at her for little things. She finds it and shows it to him. Bharat is getting ready to go to work. Aditi helps him arrange his clothes and gives him his file. Bharat gets ink stain on his hand. Mahua and Chandra enter the room. Mahua says she wants them to taste a snack she made. She tells Aditi to feed Bharat since his hand is stained. Aditi and Bharat become uncomfortable. Aditi has no choice but to feeds Bharat. Mahua asks why they keep acting so awkward around one another. Chandra says they are just pretending when people are around them but they love each other. Uma is in her room praying. Aniket walks into the room and asks if she has taken her medicine. Uma says she doesn'

Wednesday's Recap on The Vow 2 Aired: 16-08-2017

Sindoora is running away from the police. She is able to get away from them. She continues running until she gets tired and stops to sit on a bench. She sees a drum of water nearby so she washes her face and drinks some water. She has no idea that a poster with her face on it, declaring her wanted, is on the wall behind her. Where she is resting also happens to be outside a restaurant. The owners of the restaurant see Sindoora and recognize her as the woman on the poster. Sindora hears them talking about her photo on the poster. She is shocked to see the poster. The owners of the restaurant tell their customers to join them in catching her. Sindoora runs away. They run after her. Aniket is having a nightmare about Sindoora harming him. He wakes up shouting. Bharat, Amar, Divya, Amar and Aditi run into the room. Aniket tells them that Sindoora is coming to kill him. They assure him that she won't. Amar is about to call a doctor but Divya stops

Thursday's Updates On Twist Of Fate 17-08-2017

Episode 564 - 566 Pragya helps Abhi with some lyrics for his next song. Seeing how good the lyrics for the song are, Abhi kisses Pragya on her cheek. He says what a line..and says this will be super hit song. Abhi then picks up his guitar and asks Pragya to repeat the lines again. Pragya, who is surprised thinking of Abhi's kiss, tells Abhi that she forgotten the lyrics. Abhi then tells Pragya that he would need to kiss her again in order to help her remember the lyrics. Pragya tells Abhi that she needs no kiss and asks him to stay far from her. He says he is doing this for her, so that she get her memory back. Pragya starts running from Abhi. Abhi says she will get the kiss today and chases Pragya until the duo come face-to-face with Tanu. Tanu asks what has happened? Pragya is about to tell her but Abhi says he kissed her as she helped him with lyrics. Tanu is angry. Abhi says it was professional kiss. Tanu asks if he is mad? Abhi says there was no enjoyment and feelings in

Thursday's Updates On Lies Of The Heart 17-08-2017

Episode 52 - 53 At Goa Hotel, Ishaan clarifies that he is the friend, that Urmi considers him as her own, and who he used as a shield, to escape last night. Samrat says so what, as he didn't want any unnecessary argument. Ishaan asks for the final time, questions Samrat about his whereabouts for the previous night. Ishaan's enquiry leads to a heated argument among the two close friends. Samrat angrily says that even his father doesn't talk to him like this, and being his friend, he should remain one, and not try to be a father. He says that he won't today, and asks Ishaan what would he do now. Ishaan stands shocked at this rudeness, and Samrat provocates him to talk to Urmi, as he isn't scared of anyone. Ishaan says that he may not be scared but should have some shame, as he has got his wife on honeymoon, and he hasn't done anything pure, rather very shameless act, of leaving her stranded. Samrat asks him to stop it, as he is a man, and isn't scared of

Thursday's Updates On Love Oh Love 17-08-2017

Episode 9 - 10 Akshat calls Avni and they both going away. While they are going, Avni looks at the people fighting and spots Raj whose is also fighting, she gets shocked to see him and Raj also sees Avni there, he stops and Avni fells disgusted and she goes. At home, Avni thanks god for fixing Akshat and Arpita's marriage in only one meeting and that today was a very good day and her new sister in-law is so beautiful but she is upset as not everything could be fixed because of Raj as he was fighting there and she thought that day he was from a good family so she helped him but he turned out to be a hooligan, there sister is aiding Raj and she tells him asks why did he need to fight and he says that the man had insulted brother in-law so he could not control himself, Shail ( Raj's brother in-law ) tells her to let it go as Raj is big, Raj's sister tells him to shut up and tells jiju that it's okay that Raj is a child now but why did he fight, jiju tells her that he

Tuesday's Recap on The Vow 2 Aired: 15-08-2017

Divya and Amar are still in the temple. Amar asks her where God was when Sindoora killed them 22 years ago. Divya begs him to at least take a holy coin even if he doesn't believe in God as the coin would protect him. Amar reluctantly takes it from her and puts it in his shirt pocket. She prays that the Almighty always protects him. As they leave the temple, a black cat runs past them. Divya says it's a bad omen. She begs Amar to change the plans. Amar says they can't change the plan. Divya prays for God to protect him. Sindoora takes out her gun from the safe. Bharat enters the room and sees her. He asks what she's still doing at home as she's running late. Sindoora leaves the house. Aditi goes to Bharat. He tells her that the end has come. Divya and Amar are waiting for Sindoora on the hill. Sindoora is driving down. Bharat is shocked to see Sindoora left the gun he gave her at home. He calls her to ask why she left the