
Friday's Update On Love Happens 01-12-2017

Episode 73 - 75 Everyone heaves a sigh of relief when Aanya returns, much to Isha's dismay. Aanya is pleasantly surprised when she sees her father, Kishan Shroff. Kishan apologises to Debbie, Isha and Aanya for all the hardships they had to suffer because of him. Raghu tells Bhola that finally the time has come to bid their adieu to the city and return to their village. However, Raghu is taken aback when he overhears Mittal telling Kishan that with the help of Lakhan and GD, he will vacate Raghu's village and make a plush resort there. During the engagement ceremony, Aanya refuses to drink the champagne, as she has promised Raghu that she will never drink. This changed behaviour makes Kishan apprehensive. Kishan takes Aanya to a secluded room and tells her that they have got their money, mansion and everything back and urges her to stop behaving like common people. However, Aanya tells him that she loves this change in herself. Meanwhile, Raghu confronts GD and Mittal an

Friday's Update On Love Oh Love 01-12-2017

Episode 228 - 230 Akshat decides to go back to office, and Arpita starts chatting with Smile buddy, talking about her dilemma and torment in the family, and also tells him that she gets bored as she doesn't have her work. Her chat friend tells her that she got her license back, and asks her to check her mail. She asks how did he know and if he got it done, and he responds by smiling. She is excited that her jewellery making license gets reinstated thanks to her Smile buddy and asks how is he related to the jewellery association and asks who is he. But he log out. She is confused, and then is happy to get her work back. Later on the road, Avni waits to meets her mother Bhawna, as she arrives in her car. Bhavna gets out of the car to meet Avni, who too comes out of the car, distraught and overwhelmed to hug her, but she stops her. Avni is shocked as her mother gets angry with Avni and stops her from calling her as mother, and declares that she is not her daughter anymore. Avni


Coming up on GET ME MARRIED this December 2017 Friday 1 December 2017 Things at the picnic get complicated when Meera is outwitted into telling the truth about the press contract. It gets worse when the rest of the Ratnaparkhis arrive home to the new family that has invaded into more than just the home. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Monday 4 December 2017 Abhi gets himself into more trouble as he makes an offer to Chingi. Varun has come up with a plan to get rid of Vilas that involves bringing some interesting characters to the house. Will Vinayak be the one to rid the house of Vilas? Tuesday 5 December 2017 Abhi writes a love letter to Chingi but he gets thwarted along the way. Vilas feels he is undefeated until Vinayak threatens him with a fate that will destroy his family. As matters get more serious, Vinayak once again shocks everyone. Wednesday 6 December 2017 A new helper has arrived at


Coming up on LIES OF THE HEART this December 2017. Friday 1 December 2017 Samrat consults his lawyer about putting an end to Gaurav's blackmailing. Sushma tells Urmi that until she pays every last penny she owes her, she can't leave the house. Samrat finds out that Shashi went to insult Gaurav and his family. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday 4 December 2017 Samrat publically humiliates Urmi. After hearing about what Samrat did to Urmi, Gaurav humiliates Samrat by making him wash the elder’s feet. Samrat finds out the truth about the man that died. Tuesday 5 December 2017 Urmi goes to the school in order to enrol Shaurya, unfortunately Samrat finds out and follows her. Samrat calls Urmi and threatens to hurt the elderly couple Urmi is staying with. Amrit lies to Aditi and he asks her for Shashi's jewellery. Wednesday 6 December 2017 Samrat gets a false sketch drawn of Urmi just to humiliate he


Coming up on HELLO PRATIBHA this December 2017 Friday 1 December 2017 Episode 52 Pratibha's father has another heart attack and the doctor reveals that his heart is weaker too. Shubra calls Pratibha to offer her a deal she cannot refuse. Mahen finds a new house for Pratibha's mother and father. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday 4 December 2017 Episode 53 Pratibha and Mahen manage to buy the house next door for Pratibha's parents. Sunidhi makes an oath that leaves everyone in the house completely stunned. Thanks to Pihu and Anmol, Pratibha learns the truth. Tuesday 5 December 2017 Episode 54 Sanjeev leaves Mahen with no other choice but to sign the property papers. Sunidhi gives the family one week to leave the house or else she'll take legal action. Pratibha tries her best to get the property back. Wednesday 6 December 2017 Episode 55 Finale! Kashi confesses to why she treated Pratibha so b


Coming up on LOVE HAPPENS this December 2017 Friday 1 December 2017 At the engagement party, Mr Mittal introduces a surprise guest. Raghu overhears the business deal about his village and is furious. However, GD tells Raghu a lie that causes him to act in a way that wreaks havoc on Aanya’s engagement. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday 4 December 2017 Once returning to the village, Raghu spreads the news about what’s happened. Aanya leaves the city for the village, but once she returns, the villagers, as well as Raghu, treat her terribly, even after she tells Raghu what he never expected. Tuesday 5 December 2017 Aanya is in disbelief that the village is about to be sold, however one phone call convinces her otherwise. As the Shroffs and Mr Mittal make their way to the village so as to buy it, Aanya makes a promise to Raghu, but can she keep it? Wednesday 6 December 2017 Aanya


Coming up on LOVE OH LOVE this December 2017 Friday 1 December 2017 Episode 80 Arpita's jewellery making license gets reinstated thanks to "Smile buddy". Avni and Raj get into an argument and as a result Raj falls down the stairs. Raj and Avni finally figure out that Virat is responsible for everything that’s happened. Monday 4 December 2017 Episode 81 Virat confesses to taking the money but he manages to make himself look innocent. Avni and Raj manage to get Arpita, Akshay, Jashan and Madhuri on their side. Can the six of them finally put an end to Virat's reign of terror? Tuesday 5 December 2017 Episode 82 It turns out that both Raj and Avni's family kidnapped them. Savri finally accepts Raj as part of the family. Just when it looked like everything was going back to normal, Pooja gets kidnapped. Question who could be behind this and why? Wednesday 6 December 2017 Episode 83 Finale! The kidnapper calls and demands 10 million in cash. Savri f

Thursday's Update On Lies of the Heart 30-11-2017

Episode 203 - 204 At the clinic, Amrit goes to the hospital along with Aditi for her checkup. He waits impatiently, as the doctor checks on Aditi and assures them that everything is fine and the baby is normal. Amrit asks the doctor to prescribe some tonics as Aditi is net eating at all. As Amrit gets busy reading the reports, Aditi pays the bill, and Amrit hungrily eyes the wad of notes in her purse. Amrit asks for the daily dosage and the doctor tells him. They both come out. Amrit tries to get some money from her and pretends to be highly tensed, and Aditi asks him what's wrong. He starts saying what kind of a life is this, that he can't pay for his wife’s doctor and he is mortified to bear this. He says that he is trying, but he is not getting a job, due to Samrat’s influence in Jhansi. Aditi asks what problem does Samrat have if he works elsewhere. Amrit continues with his rant of sob story, as to how he is not even getting sufficient meals and further tries to see if

Thursday's Update On Hello Pratibha 30-11-2017

Episode 223 - 225 Sunidhi speaks to her mother why she let Bubu free. Her mother says Pratibha reached there in time else she would have put the case in investigation and will have come to know that she got Bubu kidnapped herself. Sunidhi thanks her mother for taking care of this. Sanjeev comes in, Sunidhi immediately changes tone and says she will speak to her later. After hanging up, she invites Sanjeev to hug her. Sanjeev says Mahen has allowed her to stay but on a condition and that he has promised Mahen that she will change herself. Sunidhi promises and says she will prove herself to be a very good wife, daughter in-law and mother. She hugs Sanjeev and smiles victoriously. Next morning, Kaashi opens the door to Sunidhi’s mother. She had brought gifts for Sunidhi which she asks Kaashi to hold inside. Sunidhi and Sanjeev come out, Sunidhi hugs her mother and cries. Her mother asks her to stop crying now. Pratibha and everyone else also come out, Sunidhi does not stop crying ju

Thursday's Update On Love Happens 30-11-2017

Episode 70 - 72 Raghu, who is surprised to see Bhola donning a formal suit, urges him get back to his original self. However, Bhola tells him that he does not wish to go against Isha's wish. Later, Isha instructs Bhola to keep mum, while she introduces him to her friends saying that Bhola is her French boyfriend. However, soon Bhola's reality is revealed and Isha becomes a laughing stock for her friends. Bhola too is hurt with  all this and chides Isha for trying to change his identity. Meanwhile, Aanya gets shocked when Rahul's ex-girlfriend turns up at the event and passionately hugs Rahul. Raghu is shocked when he sees Bhola crying. Bhola narrates the whole incident and also tells him that Isha had snipped off his lock of hair. Raghu gets furious and decides to reprimand Isha for this. However, Aanya assures him that she will talk to Isha in this regard. Aanya then confronts Isha and tries to explain her that that she has hurt Bhola's sentiments. However, she

Thursday's Update On Love oh Love 30-11-2017

Episode 226 - 228 Meanwhile, Anjali too learns that her son secretly married Avni without their knowledge after seeing their certificate couple with the divorce papers and demand an answer from her son. A flabbergasted Raj admit it to them that he got married to Avni in Umahgao. Vikram and Anjali couldn't believe this and wonders what to do. Raj is confused as to how the information regarding his marriage with Avni had reached Avni's family. Later, Avni enters Raj's house and uses her marriage to Raj to seek revenge on him and his entire family. She show him the divorce papers that he had earlier send to her house which make her family to disown her and made it clear to him that she will not sign the papers and should be prepared to see the worst of her. She then tears the divorce papers into pieces and throw it in the air. Both Raj and his entire family are shocked to see Avni behaving in such manner. Avni fulfils the rituals that a new daughter-in-law has to undergo