Thursday's Updates On Love oh Love 24-08-2017

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Episode 24 - 26
At home, Avni thinks in room that he was waiting for her the whole day and even in cold. She says that they both will again meet someday and it is sure and she smiles. Later, Avni and Raj thinks about each other and wish to meet again soon. Raj is in love with Avni. Next morning, Akshat and his ceremony starts, Akshat is being given sweets to eat by his father in-law and then gifts also and Abhay is taking photographs, Avni quietly comes at the stairs and looks at them and again goes up smiling. She tells her mother that she also wanted to go but Bhavna tells her it is men's ceremony and she can't go. Avni gets sad, Bhavna then tells her that Arpita is going out alone and they will not be there and so only she (Avni ) can go, Avni gets happy and she hugs Arpita, Arpita's mother comes and tells them she have never experienced such cold ever and they all smile.
Raj at his home on bed and is having high fever 102 degrees and his sister and Jijaji gives him good news that they have got the contract of wedding of Avni's brother Akshat marriage. Then Jiju and his wife shout at him and his sister asks why did he stay there the whole day and even in the night, Raj tells them that only for Avni, jiju asks who is she, Raj tells him that whom he loves and her name is Avni, jiju and Raj's sister get happy. Jiju tells him that they will meet her, Raj gets happy and jumps up. Jiju asks if he ask for her number, Raj says no, Jiju asks what type of boy is he and he should have taken her number, Raj tells that he will meet her again someday and surely they will meet.
At Khatushyam in bungalow, Arpita is doing pooja and Avni comes down and Savri is also there, Avni blames her phone that the pictures are not downloading fast and that this phone is such an idiot box, Savri tells her that there must be no network, Avni says there is but it is slow, Savri tells okay and tells to give her phone as she has to call fufaji as all the men have gone to the temple, Avni gives her the phone, she calls and gives it back to her, Bhavna and Arpita's mother come and Bhavna tells that they have to go to market and still half shopping is left and as yesterday they had to come early, Bhavna tells Arpita's mother also to come and she tells Avni that they will go and she is there with Arpita at home, they go. Avni asks Arpita that now they both are there so what will she eat, Kachori or jalebi, Arpita says kachori. Avni says okay and goes and make kachori for her sister in-law Arpita and Arpita till then goes outside at the swimming pool area. Meanwhile, Akshat calls Arpita and tells her that he is going to visit her. Arpita asks if he was in temple. Akshat says yes and tells that now he is coming to his loving darling, Arpita tells him to please come early. Akshat asks what will he get if he comes early and says she will get Avni's kachori and she keeps the phone down. In house Avni brings kachori and arpita tells her that she will eat later as when Akshat then she change her statement that she mean when all will come, Avni understand what she meant to say and agree with a yes that when Akshat will come Arpita will eat but she will make another fresh one for him and then she should eat, Avni gives her kachori with garlic chutney, Arpita has it and is really delighted to have kachori made by Avni and tells her that it is good. Avni wonders how stranger Raj had helped him at many circumstances and asks can a person be so mad in love and then she tells can any person risk his own life to save ones and leave his car and get on the deck of a bus and wait in a cold for the whole day for anyone and Avni remembers Raj. Arpita then says that today she ( Avni ) will not get anyone like this, avni tells her she will. Arpita asks her to tell her such an incidence and Avni is thinking that should she tell Arpita about Raj and she says that yes as Arpita will understand her. Avni is about to tell her when Arpita starts coughing and gets choked when she has garlic chutney as she is allergic to garlic. Avni gets scared and brings water and Arpita gets red spots all over her face and hand. Avni gets scared and out there. Akshat reaches home on time and as he is coming in, Avni says she will call the doctor. Akshat comes in and he runs towards her after seeing her coughing seriously and he then asks what happened, Avni tells him after eating kachori she started coughing. Akshat goes and smells the kachori and sees the garlic, then he goes to Arpita and tells her that she has allergy from garlic chutney then why did she eat it, then Avni tells she did not know she has allergy from garlic and it's her mistake, Akshat remembers and goes running and takes Arpita's bag and gives Arpita medicine and then she feels okay. He tells that last time also she had such a big problem and why did she eat it. Avni gets shocked and is suspicious about how Akshat knows about allergy then she asks Akshat after Arpita feels good that how did he know that she has allergy. Akshat and Arpita stand and Akshat get scared and then tells that Arpita told him in the bus. Avni gets a call and then he tells Avni not to tell about this allergy thing to anyone and she goes to take the call. Bhavna tells her that are they okay and that they finished shopping and they will be coming home soon. Avni says okay and then she keeps the phone and suddenly sees a downloaded picture in which Arpita and Akshat are together in concert. It is revealed to Avni that Arpita and Akshat know each other from before to Avni. She goes up where Arpita and Akshat are sitting in the room, Arpita and Akshat stand and happily call her in and ask what happened. Avni is sad and she shows them the picture and they both get shocked. Arpita then tells Avni everything about her and Akshat. Akshat tells her that he did not tell anyone because their families are traditional. Avni gets happy and tells them that it's good that they love each other and what is the harm in telling everyone. Arpita then tells that if now they tell then the relationships will surely break and now they know they have done a mistake but Akshat did by keeping her photo in between and they did not wanted to do this but their families would not accept them. Avni tells Akshat that this is not fair and he should not hide and that she is sad. Akshat feels worried after this truth is told and he tells Avni to not tell this truth to anyone in family and she should swear on him. Later, Bhavna comes and asks what happened and then tells them that Dauji is going to come and pack her bags and it's time to go. Bhavna again asks what happened and Avni is saying when Akshat tells Arpita got allergy from garlic. Bhavna asks now she is okay and then goes. Avni also goes sad.
Arpita and Akshat come out and tells Arpita that he loves his family a lot and did not wanted to hide this and he has never lied to anyone before ever and the family believes him a lot and he can't do anything as if he tells the truth then the relationship will not happen and if not then they will have to stay under this sadness that they lied and married. Arpita says she can't take this burden of lie anymore and she is dying from inside on keeping the lie, Akshat tells that he loves her and equally loves his family and he is only tensed of Avni and now he has stopped her from telling by giving her his swear but she will also die from inside and she is a very clean hearted and has never lied and she has to take this burden of lie and what will happen to her? Avni listens to everything and she smiles and says that her brother and sister in-law love each other so much, Arpita tells Akshat that she hopes Avni will give them support and not tell anyone and she has been believing her and first in all she was the one who made her sister in-law but she hopes Avni will be with them. Avni says to herself that she will not disclose their truth.
Arpita's mother tells Bhavna that there is no time for the engagement but in marriage they will do all preparations and she will call all the guests and also the best food in Jaipur and catering that is Arora caterer's. Bhavna tells that they have already booked them and they don’t need to as the caterers are the same, Arpita's mother smiles and Savri asks but why and did she see that boy made such a big fight and Bhavna says that actually it was not that boys mistake but it was that woman’s mistake and she was only saying bad things about his family. Savri says nothing. Out at the swimming area, Avni is eating something continuously and she is lost in the thoughts of Arpita and Akshat and is feeling about the lie they are telling, everyone come out of the bungalow as they are now going back home, and they bring the luggage. Bhavna asks Avni why is she sitting here and not coming and does she want to stay here, she understands and then Bhavna tells that there is something she wants to say and she knows that when she is eating continuously something then there is something to tell, Savri says she knows what she wants to say, Avni, Arpita and Akshat get scared and Savri then tells that Avni wants to says that hero and heroine love each other before the marriage and have not told the family. Avni, Arpita and Akshat get scared and then Savri says this is the suspense from the novel which Bhavna is reading. Bhavna then laughs and tells her that why did she tell the suspense before only and she always does this, Avni then removes tension. Savri and everyone go home.
At home, everyone have come and Bhavna is making arrangements and Avni goes to make rangoli. Suketh comes there with Shastriji, Suketh tells them that he has done the catering work. At Arpita's home, Arpita gets ready and asks her mother how she is looking in which her mother says she has never seen such a beautiful bride ever and they both hug, her mother tells that she will bring sweet to eat, and at that time, Raj enters in and says sweets are here, Arpita's mother says he came and tells she will come, Raj then says that so she is finally getting married and is looking beautiful and the bridegroom will be mad looking at her. Arpita says if only he would have come it would be good, Raj says he is coming as his jiju got the catering and he is going to come as he has to go there.
All guests have come and even Arpita's family. Avni who is thinking about Arpita and Akshat saying lie is tensed and Suketh tells that his son has left everything on the family and elders to decide about the marriage and they respect so much, Avni listens and says that her father and mother believe Akshat so much and wonder if she should tell her mother? Suddenly white rangoli falls on it and rangoli is spoiled, Avni gets tensed and she goes in and starts giving water to everyone, Bhavna tells Savri and some guests that her Avni is very intelligent and has grown up. Avni after distributing water goes to her mother and says she wants to say something. At the same time, Akshat comes there and Avni looks at him and is confused. Akshat goes from there, Bhavna and Avni go up as Avni wants to say something. Akshat and Arpita are sitting where the bride and bridegroom have to be. Bhavna comes down saying that they lied to her and she says loudly, everyone listens and Bhavna says sorry and tells them that she said because the store people whom she told to bring 50kg told her that they will give 50kg but instead sent 20kg and are saying they will give only 20kg to her, Abhay comes there and tells his mother, Bhavna not to take tension and he will handle that matter. Akshat gets up and goes to his mother and asks if Avni says something to her as she said she wanted to say something, Bhavna tells him she knows everything and then tells that Avni was upset because white rangoli fell on the rangoli and it got spoilt. Akshat is satisfied and says okay and leaves.
In the evening outside near the lawn the food stalls have been put jiju is making everyone understand and making sure that everything has been made good and there should be no complaints, Raj comes. Jiju gets happy and hugs him and tells him that he has come to his in-laws and it is exciting, Raj laughs and jiju tells him to lets them go in but Raj says he is nervous and jiju says no need to be as if he loves someone, he should be daring and anyways Sukethji has called, Raj and jiju go in. Suketh welcomes them and everyone smile, Suketh then tells Arpita's father that he must be knowing them. Arpita's father says of course as he had asked them for that day catering and they had done it, then jiju says that he has made the whole menu according to them and they will get no complaints. Suketh says he totally believes them, that time Abhay comes and sees Raj and then he tells his father, Suketh that there is no need for them as they have their personal hotels, Suketh gets angry and tells him that he believes them and he does not want to listen to what he says, Raj looks at him and ignores, then they all start their own work. Raj is looking for Avni and when he sees her coming out from the kitchen, he goes towards her when Abhay comes in between, he catches his collar and Raj removes Abhay’s hands from there and tells him that he has not come here to fights and does not want to make any bad situation. Abhay tells him that he will see him and he takes Raj out. Arpita sees all this between them and says to herself that what is happening between them?
At Khandelwal’s residence, Abhay and Raj was about to fight. Abhas is holding Raj from collar. Arpita came there and told Abhay to leave Raj as he is a very nice guy and her brother. Abhay warned Raj again and went. Arpita told Raj Avni’s confusion and Raj assure her to take care of It. Raj went to Avni but she wanted to stay alone. Then Raj went behind Avni and hold her hand when she was about to go outside. Raj tells her that he knows everything about her dilemma and he can suggest her. Just then Saawri came there and takes Avni from there. Raj too left but he wants to help Avni. Then in hall, Bhavna told Avni to Put kalash in mandir as she is younger and Pure at heart. Avni is not ready to do it because she lied. Raj then get an idea and hit the person who is bringing ghee for Diya. Bhavna stopped Avni there and took kalash from her and keep it in Mandir.
Raj and Avni are both happy then Avni realised that Raj did all this for her. Raj went to her and Avni thanked him. Raj suggest her that he will never tell the truth to the family which gives his family pain. He tells her now she decide what she will do. Avni went and asked her mother if she can perform ring ceremony of Akshat and Arpita. Everyone are happy and Bhavna nod yes. Raj is happy because he succeeded in making her understand. Raj went outside and showing thumps up to Arpita and Avni. He hugs his Jiju and Jiju advice him to first do friendship with Avni and then do love and that this will be the best relation.
Raj went inside Again. Abhay, Arpita, Avni everyone were dancing .


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