Monday's Update On Hello Pratibha 09-10-2017

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Episode 31 - 32
Mahen comes home and asks what is all this happening here. Kaashi tells her son that Pratibha made a petty issue into a big drama and now she is talking to her like this. Mahen asks Pratibha what happened now. Pratibha says there is something he doesn't know. Mahen asks her to be clear. Sunidhi begins to speak, but stops her that he is talking to Pratibha and not her. Pratibha gives him the picture and says Sunidhi took this. Mahen asks what is in it, and adds that he saw it on the day of their anniversary. Pratibha tells him that Sunidhi took this and she wants to prove from the picture that she had an affair. Mahen is surprise with a what and looks at the picture again.
Pratibha tells Mahen that Sunidhi wanted to prove that she is having an affair with this man through this photo. Mahen looks at the picture and gets it. He looks at Sunidhi when the door bell rings. They are shocked to see the same man in the picture there. He asks about Pushpa, Mahen nods that she is inside. Pratibha is worried. The man asks Pratibha if Pushpa is here. Kaashi says so he is here, and that Pushpa must have called him to mock them and take pleasure. Mahen stops her, but Pushpa says of course and that whatever is happening in this house has to be enjoyed, the mother in-law knows it all that the sister in-laws are taking photos of each other. The man watches the photo, Pushpa asks him to go inside that she will be there. He goes inside. Pushpa hands Pratibha the photo and goes inside. Mahen stops his mother, Kaashi from saying anything.
He turns to Sunidhi and asks if she spies at Pratibha. Sunidhi stammers that she thought… Mahen says she thought Pratibha has an affair. Sunidhi nods as yes. Mahen shouts at Sunidhi that Pratibha can be anything but can't be characterless. Pratibha has spark in her eyes. Sunidhi tries to say something, Mahen says he doesn’t want to hear a single word and asks how dare she thought about Pratibha like this and why didn’t she tell him about it directly. He asks why she did so, to ruin the respect of their family and their anniversary party. He warns Sunidhi not to try anything like this again and asks Sunidhi to apologize to Pratibha, Sunidhi is reluctant. Mahen shouts at her to do it now, Sunidhi comes to Pratibha with an evil face and says sorry, she was mistaken. Mahen says he doesn’t need any other drama at home, the enemy is here and Mahabharat is going on between the house dwellers themselves. Sunidhi is irked, she says in front of the mirror that Pratibha will have to pay for all the disrespect she got her and vow to destroy Pratibha’s life.
The next morning, Kaashi tells Pratibha and Sunidhi to end all the fights at home, especially in front of Pushpa. She doesn’t want to give her any idea about anything. Kaashi tells Pratibha that yesterday wasn’t her tongue, it was taught to her by Pushpa and that it is the effect of her intimacy. Pratibha is silent. Kaashi stops Pratibha from leaving the room, she tells Sunidhi to collect the ladies of neighbourhood at home till 11 am. She asks Pratibha not to let Pushpa leave home till 11 am. Pratibha says she doesn’t speak to her, Kaashi says she talked to her before so she should now. She warns her against anything goes wrong, and says what to do to that Pushpa. Sunidhi tells Kaashi she can trust her. Kaashi says she is only afraid of this Pratibha and leaves the room. Sunidhi comes behind Kaashi to ask her about the plan. Pratibha is in the room, disturbed. She comes out to see Pushpa and the man leaving, she looks at Pushpa. Pushpa recognizes her look. The man leaves, Pratibha also leaves and go inside. Pushpa is thoughtful.
Sunidhi’s mother and she enjoys the drama. Her mother says she must not deny her mother in-law. She just have to see who is winning and go to their side. Sunidhi says she is waiting for tomorrow at 11 am. The next morning, Pratibha thinks how she will get to know if Pushpa is leaving or not. Kaashi points at the leaving Pushpa, Pratibha calls her to stop for a while. She brings coffee for her. Pushpa smiles, then asks how today as she denied it yesterday. Pratibha says she thought she would ask for it today as well, so she made it. Pratibha says it will get cold. Pushpa observes her for a while, and says had she not known that she must have thought she is playing some trick. Pushpa says she is going out to have coffee, and asks what is she hiding. Pushpa says she had full chance of mixing something in coffee, but she won’t. Pushpa leaves inside with the cup, Pratibha wishes Pushpa stays in the room till 11.
Kaashi sends Pratibha to the room to light dia in front of God. Pratibha comes into the room, but no one was there. She says to God, that He do all the miracle, she asks for a miracle at home so that everything get well. Pushpa comes there and coughs hard due to smoke. She asks Pratibha to go out, Pratibha leaves. Kaashi peeks through the door and says she still remember her pain, she will come out just now. The ladies come home, Kaashi asks Pushpa to meet her friends and neighbours, if she wants to reside at home be a part of it. Kaashi asks why is she coughing so hard, did her lungs ruin or does she has TB. The ladies ask who this lady is, Kaashi says she is her sister in-law. They say they never saw her here. Kaashi says she had send her out of the house, she gets teary and says she lost her husband and her children’s father because of her.
Kaashi tells the ladies that she lost her husband because of this lady. The ladies whispers amongst each other. Kaashi says she had asked this lady to send her husband meet his elder brother for one last time. But she didn’t want him to step in this house. Pushpa says atleast now she will speak the truth, she herself let them go out of the house and everyone know how her husband loved his brother. She turns to leave, but Kaashi calls Pushpa’s mother as a liar saying she is also just like her. Pushpa turns back, and says she doesn’t know what her neighbours believed but they must have believed that she doesn’t like the respect of her family. Kaashi tells her that she doesn’t consider her a part of her family. Pushpa says she had to disrespect her so she did, she should atleast tell them a bit of truth. She won’t be able to say so, because she never found the answers to her questions. She says neither can she kill her character nor ever win. Sunidhi couldn’t resist clapping, then makes up that there are so many mosquitoes.
A lady asks Kaashi to solve her problems at home and not tell anyone. She asks what is she trying to show to her daughter in-laws. They all leave. Sunidhi smiles that Pushpa has defeated her so easily. Pushpa tells Kaashi that her poison has not got low, she went the last time but she won’t go this time. Kaashi says this is her house, her room was not her side but the kitchen is her side. Pushpa says in this house, she has a right in everything. Kaashi says she will get her a cheque of everything belonging but then she will have to pay for everything she will use. Pushpa leaves.
Peehu sits in the room, thinking about Jia’s warning. Anmol asks if she won't go to school. Peehu says she has pain in her stomach. Anmol says as he wish. She calls Jia, Jia asks if she has the courage to call her even today. Peehu says she begs her not to tell anyone and she will do anything she say in return. Jia then asks her to meet her in school. Kaashi is curt; she says she has done a big mistake returning here. She gets an idea, takes a pack from her drawer. Pratibha comes there, Kaashi asks Pratibha to smoke the whole house knowing the fact the Pushpa is an asthma patient. Anmol and Peehu come to school in rickshaw. Peehu asks him to go inside; he asks if she plans to run away again. Peehu is worried thinking what will be Jia’s plan, as Jia appears from the car. Kaashi asks Pratibha to be hurry, Pratibha says she has to tell her something but Kaashi asks her to go to Pushpa’s room first and spread the smoke well. Sunidhi wonders what Kaashi is going to do. Peehu held the bags of the girls, Jia boasts that she always wanted someone to do her personal chores. Anmol sees her and asks how dare they order his sister around, Peehu asks him not do anything or she will be in more problem.
Pushpa calls for the delivery of her inhaler, she is allergic and can’t suffer any smoke. Pratibha comes to her room while she is in washroom. Pratibha says before Pushpa asks her something about morning, she should go to do her work and leave. Pushpa comes out of the washroom, and coughs hard as she has an asthma attack. She calls Pratibha. Pratibha runs to help her but Kashi stops her saying she is their enemy. Pratibha says she doesn’t seem to be fine. Pushpa is in a bad condition, Kaashi tells Pratibha that she won’t go inside. Kaashi says Pushpa has let them in much pain and she is paying for it. Pushpa calls Pratibha, Kaashi again stops her but Pratibha heads to go inside. Mahen comes and asks what is happening. Praitbha tells him Chachi ( aunt ) is in pain, he looks at Kaashi who smiles at him approvingly. She asks Mahen to go and he runs inside. He asks Pratibha to open the windows, Pratibha comes to nearly fainted Pushpa. Mahen holds her, gives her inhaler and the worst part is her asthma pump isn't working. Kaashi asks him not to be so helpful but he gives Pushpa the inhaler. Mahen says he doesn’t want to win the case this way. Kaashi says she is doing all drama. Mahen says she is not doing any drama, and asks Pushpa if she is alright. Pushpa still lied faint. Mahen asks Pratibha to call doctor. Pushpa says it is all because of the smoke, he tells her that he has opened the window and she will be fine. She thanks Mahen as he has helped her a lot. Mahen says he doesn’t want a drama at home and asks them all to go. Pratibha looked at the weak Pushpa, Kaashi calls Pratibha, Pushpa weakly approves of her to go that she is fine. Pratibha lay on the sofa, feeling the guilt that she was responsible of giving off the smoke. She gets up and goes to the room. She thinks how would Chachi be and wonder if should she go to see her.
The angel girls make fun of Peehu for wearing designer’s dress and shoes. Anmol comes and warns them if they ever do a disgusting joke with his sister then Jia asks what will he do. Anmol looks at a fat boy, and says he will call his friend. Jia asks which friend. Anmol calls him as oh fattoo… The fat boy approach them, Jia leaves with her friends. He takes Anmol with his neck, Anmol says those girls were ragging on him. The boy says if they rag him again, he will hit them. Anmol thank the fattoo boy. Pratibha was worried, she tells Shalu that it is 11 and by this time Chachi is even done with her breakfast along with coffee. She will see if she is fine but Shalu stops her and asks what if her mother-in-law sees this. Pratibha says she will tell her that she went there to close the windows. Pratibha looks around while Sunidhi watches her go inside Pushpa’s room and cheers that now Pratibha will be caught. Pratibha did not go inside the room. Sunidhi says till she and mummy ji is home, Pratibha won’t go inside the room, she will play some game. Kaashi asks how will she show this magic, Sunidhi asks her to come out with her. She takes Kaashi out. Pratibha is in the lounge, still looking at Pushpa’s door. Shalu comes to her and tells her that if she is so worried then why didn't she go and ask her. Pratibha says she is really afraid if something has happened to Pushpa. Sunidhi says she will drop Kaashi to temple, and will go to boutique. Kaashi shouts saying no one must show any love or care for her, she doesn’t want any drama at home like last night. Shalu says Kaashi is really angry, Pratibha looks at the clock and goes to knock at Pushpa’s door. She is worried about what Kaashi had warned her about. The mobile phone inside rings, Pratibha hears the ringing sound and begs that Pushpa pick up the phone so that she can be sure she is alright. Pushpa picks the call, she tells someone on phone that she is fine and that she can’t order food from outside. Pratibha hear this and prepared khichdi for her in the morning, Mahen also looks after her though he doesn’t know she lied about her police complaint to her. She says her lawyer wants her to file a complaint to develop pressure on him. Pratibha comes back, cries that Chachi was never wrong. She dislikes it that she did this to Chachi. She tells Shalu that she will just prepare something for her. Shalu takes a leave while Kaashi and Sunidhi stand outside the gate.


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