Sunday's Update On Bride With Benefits 08-04-2018

Sunday's Update On Bride With Benefits 08-04-2018
Image may contain: 2 people, closeup
Devi reminiscing his meeting with Payal. Tere Nainaa Kaatil Hogaye song plays in the background. He reminisces Payal telling him that she wanted a life partner like him. He smiles and says her agreement is very important to him and he thinks they both are made for each other. Payal on the other side imagines Dev in her mirror and smiles. While having breakfast, Payal looks at Rajat and reminisces him yelling at her. Dev comes there and joins them for breakfast staring at Payal. Payal gets shy. He says he came to thank them all for accepting his alliance with Payal. He says Payal is a big PWD engineer and would have got any good guy, but they chose him and he wants to promise them that he will take care of Payal like they are doing. Indu says Payal is lucky to have a good family and life partner. Payal gets shy and leaves for office, looking back at him. He also looks at her and says he will leave. Indu asks her daughter-in-law Alka to bring tea for him while she serves breakfast. He says he has some work, but she says he has to finish breakfast and go. Payal sees her driver tensed and asks him about it. He says his son is ill and he is waiting to finish duty and reach home soon. She asks him to leave right away and gives him money for his son’s treatment. The driver leaves happily. She waits for rickshaw and sees Dev standing with his bike. Dev says he had some work nearby. She says she is waiting for rickshaw. He insists to drop her and she agrees and sits behind him as a pillion rider. Tham Sa Gaya Hai Ye Sama song plays in the background. He applies sudden break and she falls on him. He apologizes to her and asks her to hold his shoulder. She hesitantly holds his shoulder. Dev smiles feeling her touch.
Indu and Alka come for vegetable shopping and see Dev dropping Payal home on bike. The neighbours ask Indu who is the man with Payal and badmouth about them. Indu angrily gets back home and tells Dev as he has a family rule of boy not meeting girl before marriage, they have the same rule and wants him to not meet Payal before marriage. She says society will badmouth about them. Dev says he did not meet Payal to hurt her feelings, he apologizes to her and leaves. Neelu comes out and apologies to him on behalf of her mother. Dev says he did not feel bad and leaves. Payal feels sad as tradition comes in the way of her and Dev as her mother forbids them from seeing each other until they are married. Neelu goes back and asks her mother why did she scold Dev and ask him not to meet before marriage. Indu asks her to behave herself. Payal's father comes home and asks what is happening. Indu says because of his leniance, his daughters are misbehaving with her. Neelu tells the issue on ground to her father. Indu asks him to speak up. Payal's father backs Neelu up and tells his wife that time has changed and she should adapt to it. She then asks him to fix the marriage date soon. Payal’s secretary comes there, and inform her that the commissioner wants to meet her and takes her back to the office. Indu yells that Payal’s workload forces her to stay out of house often, but her mother-in-law will not tolerate it. Payal's father says a normal housewife takes care of only her house, but Payal takes care of the whole city’s problems. She says until Payal is in her house, she should follow her rule. He adds that he will go to Jogeshwar’s house and fix the marriage date.
Dev sadly comes home. Guddi asks asks why is he sad. He tells the reason that Payal's mother forbids them from seeing each other until they are married claiming it's their family tradition. She starts acting and says he also has some respect and should not meet her sister-in-law Payal till their marriage. Jogeshwar and Santoshi listen to their conversation silently. Jogeshwar scolds his daughter Guddi and asks Dev to respect his in-law’s opinions and asks him to go and rest. Once he leaves, he consoles Guddi and tells her if he had not scolded her, their plan would have been ruined. Guddi asks if it is part of his plan, then he should also reward her. He says once their bride with benefits comes, they will get regular income and live a lavish life.
Payal reach home late at night, apologizing to her driver for making him wait for long today and asks him to come on time in the morning. He says okay and leaves. She is about to knock the door when her father opens the door before that and greets her in. She asks why is he awake. He asks how can he sleep when his daughter is out and asks if she had food. She says yes. He then suggests her to let them sit out and talk for some time. She agrees and they both sit on the lawn sofa. He asks her opinion about the marriage and if he should fix it. She says she likes Dev but is skeptical about his parents. He says he felt they are good and he will fix the marriage date tomorrow itself. He says he will celebrate coffee for them and takes her in.
Gulkan sees her children doing mischieves and shouts that they will become like their greedy grandfather, Jogeshwar. Ayodhya comes there and says they are going to Mumbai to relax. She brings sari and says she is gifting it to Guddi. Ayodhya says there is no need to get insulted again. She says she cannot bear people badmouthing them that brother and sister-in-law did not attend Guddi’s marriage and even her father-in-law will get a chance to badmouth them. She takes the ticket and tears it. Ayodhya gets irked and thinks he has to do something.
Dev on the other hand is study for his exams. Santoshi sees him and asks him to continue. Dev thinks he has to for Payal’s sake. The next morning at class, the teacher asks Dev to solve the problem on board, which he does confidently. The teacher praises him. Dev's friend, Rajesh sees that and says he has become intelligent. Dev says Payal is a PWD enigeer and he wants to become her perfect match by clearing his exams soon.
Bhuvaneshwar reaches Jogeshwar’s home with Rajat and Guddan and discusses about a premarriage ritual at his home. Jogeshwar says it should happen at his house. Bhuvaneshwar argues it should be at his house. Jogeshwar insists that premarriage rituals should happen at his house. Bhuvaneshwar says it should happen at girl’s house. Rajat says it should happen and perform it at Ayodhya and Gulkan’s house. Jogeshwar gets angry hearing this and panics, he asks Bhuvaneshwar not to talk about his son and daughter-in-law and says the ritual should happen at any one house. Payal's uncle, Guddan asks him to fix the date. Jogeshwar says next poornima will be good. Dev comes home and asks Bhuvaneshwar when did they come. Jogeshwar say they have fixed his engagement on next poornima. Dev gets happy. Santoshi feeds him sweets.
Payal read Dev’s letter that he fell for her the day he saw her and loves her very much, but he did not know destination would bring them together forever and he wants to know if she loves him or not. She smiles after reading his letter. Indu comes there and asks what is she reading. Payal lie that it is official letter and thinks she will reply to this letter. Gulkan feeds food for her children and asks them not to become like Natru. They ask who Natru is. She tells them it's their grandfather Jogeshwar, the greedy one that believe in dowry. Ayodhya hears that and gets angry, he asks her not to teach wrong to their children. She says if he is so concerned about his parents, he should go and stay with them and she will not change herself.
Santoshi comes to Dev’s room with badam milk while he is studying. She also gives him Payal’s letter, asks him to continue study and leaves. Payal comes to her office and sees her files not in their place. She calls her secretary Satish and other staff and asks who comes in her cabin in her absence. Satish says while cleaning her office, they have been changed. She says she knows how it will be when cleaning is done and that her files are missing. She adds that she is going for an important meeting now but will come back and enquire about it. The peon gives her Dev’s letter, she smiles and leaves. Satish gets tensed.
Indu asks Bhuvaneshwar to order catering food for Payal’s engagement and buy suit and gold chain for Dev. He says he has saved at least money for that. Rajat says even he is earning money now. She praises Rajat and says Payal is angry on her as she scolded her for coming late. Bhuvaneshwar says Payal is a big officer and she will be having a lot official work to handle. Indu feels guilty and asks Rajat to get lunch for Payal and to stay until her work is finished and bring her home. He says okay. Dev reads Payal’s letter in front of his friend that Payal likes his simplicity and way of sending letter. His friend, Rajesh laughs. Dev says he wants to gift something to Payal. They both leave for the market to buy gift.
Payal sees a file missing from her desk. Satish is seen tearing some papers from the file and hide it in his pocket. Payal comes out and says her file is missing. He says he will search for it and leaves. Dev comes there. She asks what is he doing here. He says he came to give her a gift. She asks him to have tea and go. He agrees and goes into her cabin. Payal arranges shattered files on her desk, asks the peon to get 2 cup of tea, and asks Dev to sit. Dev continues looking at her. She asks what was he saying outside. He gives her the gift. She shyingly accepts it and asks why did he bring it. He says she is his would be wife. Rajat comes there, gets irked seeing them together and scolds Payal that the whole family is tensed that she is busy in her work, but she is busy with Dev instead. Dev tries to interfere, but Rajat asks him not to interfere in his and his sister. Satish comes with forged file and asks her to sign the papers right now. Payal signs the papers without reading them. Rajat says she must be having a lot of work, so he will not disturb her and leaves. Satish smirks after taking her signatures.
Gulkan scribbles something on the paper. Ayodhya comes home and says he is very tired. He asks where is children are. She says they have gone to watch circus with her brother. He asks what is she scribbling. She says she has written the appliances she took to her father-in-law Natru’s house as dowry, so she will go and bring them back. He says he cannot see her insulted, so he will not let her go. She says she know he will get new appliances for her, but she will not leave her dowry easily for his father and family to enjoy, so she will go and get it back.


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