Friday's Updates On Twist of Fate 08-09-2017

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Episode 617 - 620
Abhi is worries for Pragya seeing that she is taking time to come back home. He thinks Pragya might be in the guest room or Daadi’s room. He asks Rachna about her. Rachna says she didn’t come till now. Nikhil brings Pragya back to the kidnapper den and scolds his goons. He ties unconscious Pragya on a chair. The goon says he left from here 30 minutes before. Nikhil says yes but when he was going he saw her car parked at a distance and understood her plan. Pragya gains some consciousness and says he can’t keep him for long. Nikhil tells her that she came here as Jhansi ki rani, and thought she will fail his plan. He says now she will do his work, and says welcome to hell. Pragya says you will go to hell and even you don’t worth hell. Nikhil says he can risk other's children for his own baby. Pragya challenges him that she will get him punished. Nikhil asks her to save herself if she wants to save Pari. He covers her mouth with a cloth and tells his goons to keep am eye on her and that if Pragya manages to escape then he will not leave them.
Abhi misses Pragya and thinks she kept herself far from her. He thinks he couldn’t sleep without her, and says she didn’t talk to him. He talks to her picture and says not to think that he will forgive her. He miss her and begs his fuggi to forgive him. He asks Pragya to come back home and promise that he will not scold her but she can only answer to his questions.
Nikhil is worried and shares Aaliya the problem he has created on his own and that he committed his biggest mistake and if he is caught then Abhi will not spear him. Aaliya asks him to drink water and to tell her calmly. Nikhil tells her that he has kidnapped Pragya. Aaliya is shocked hearing this and gets angry on him and says it is a big foolishness. She says Abhi will come there 100 percent. She warns him about Abhi and his anger. She tells him that Abhi would kill him if he learns about this activity of his and reminds him of Ramayan and says she don’t want to be caught and asks him to handle it alone. Nikhil too scold her that why did she kidnapped Doctor Sheela’s daughter and who told her to do so and if he have not kidnapped Pragya then everyone would got exposed including her. She also tells him that Dr. Sheela is Pragya’s friend and she came there while following him. He calls her idiot. Aaliya plans that they will convinced Abhi that Pragya has left him for her own benefit. Nikhil says his mind will work after drinking and extends his legs in order to thinks about some plan. Aaliya is about to fall and scolds him and both of them again indulge in an argument and asks him to leave. Neil leaves the place.
Next morning, Abhi who slept with fuggi doll all night long loving her and thinking about his Mogambo as he cares about her wakes up saying Pragya to please close the curtains as the light is falling into his eyes. He goes outside and tries to find Pragya in every single room of the Mehra mansion and finds Pragya missing and realizes that Pragya has still not returned home. He thinks where she has gone. He thinks if she is angry. He thinks where to go, as he is at his place. He thinks maybe she has gone to her mother's house and asks whether Pragya is there or not and decides to call her up but later drops the idea as he thinks if he calls her then she will think she is right. He thinks she didn’t come home till now and gets concerned and worried. On the other hand, Pragya is worried and thinks she is not able to complete the promise that she has given to Sheela but she is hopeful at the same time and thinks Abhi will definitely come to rescue her once he gets to know that she is kidnapped, and then thinks if Abhi will believe on Tanu. She thinks I am sure that he will come here searching for me. She thinks Abhi loves me and will come. She thinks how to tell him that I am kidnapped.
Daadi comes to Sarla’s house and greets Beeji. Beeji says she went to Punjab. Sarla comes there, she gets happy to see hee and greets her. Daadi says she came to meet Pragya. Sarla says she didn’t come here. Daadi gets shocked to know that Pragya is not in her mother's house and she gets worried for her and says she didn’t come home since last night. Sarla gets worried and calls her, but the call is unanswered. She asks what happened? Daadi tells everything about the last incident to Sarla. Sarla is shocked and gets upset to know e everything. Daadi says Tanu and Nikhil used Dr. Sheela for their advantage. Also, she tells her about the last call of Pragya she made to her and she said that she came to know something. She says she didn’t come. Sarla asks her not to worry, she tells Daadi to go home and maybe Pragya has already reach there. Daadi says she is right and leaves. Sarla prays to God for Pragya’s well being.
Pragya tries to speak. One of the goon says that she want to say something. Other refuses to open her hands. Nikhil comes there and opens the cloth from her mouth. He asks if she want to escape. Pragya says yes and tells him about seven vows given to Abhi. Nikhil asks her to give dangerous threat. Pragya says Abhi will come here hearing her heart voice, and then he will not give him a chance to run. Nikhil asks her to shut up. Pragya expresses her confidence for Abhi that Nikhil don’t have a strength to face him and he don’t deserve to be called humans. Nikhil is scared hearing this and starts sweating. He gets Tanu’s call, he is shocked to gets a call from her and thinks why is she calling him right now and leave the place telling his goons to keep an eyes on her. Pragya says Tanu will tell him that Abhi left to search for her. Pragya thinks she has to sign Abhi that she is kidnapped. Nikhil attends Tanu’s call. He asks her about Abhi finding Pragya or not. Tanu says Abhi is missing Pragya and he slept hugging Pragya’s doll and he will find her. Nikhil says he has gone mad. He asks her to beware and keep an eye on him. Tanu asks him not to worry.
Nikhil says if Abhi comes in search of her then he will be caught then he will also take her name. Tanu asks who said this? Nikhil says Pragya. Tanu says she has done black magic on him ( Nikhil ), and asks him not to look in her eyes. She says Pragya is scaring him so that he can’t execute her plan. She asks him to remember that she is in his control and should be scared and not him. She sees Abhi coming and gets tensed. Abhi asks with whom is she talking with? Who is in trouble and who is having danger and with whom? Nikhil gets tensed. Abhi asks Tanu not to cut the call and takes the call. Nikhil thinks what to do. Abhi asks who is there? Nikhil then disconnects the call. Abhi asks why did he cut the call. He asks Tanu to tell the truth and gets angry. Tanu lies to Abhi that she was talking to Doctor Sheela and she says that Sheela was telling her that Pragya came to her house and she was pressurizing and threatening her to change her statement. She says she have danger with Pragya. She adds that she and her baby's life is in danger as Pragya can do anything to her. Abhi thinks Pragya can lie, but can’t give threat to anyone. He thinks why she is complicating the things. Tanu thinks it is good that she got this idea. Abhi had a old memory where he and Pragya was playing a love game that if he wins then he will be called as true lovers and feels shy.
Sarla is worry for Pragya and thinks Nikhil is behind Pragya’s kidnapping. She thinks to do something and leaves from home. Janki thinks where did she go? Nikhil thinks if his goons managed to keep Pragya and worries for Abhi’s reaction. He gets Aaliya’s call. She says he have done the best thing by kidnapping her, and says it is a blessing for him. She says Abhi will not find Pragya now. Nikhil discusses his plan with Aaliya over the phone and asks her to share her plan. Aaliya shares her whole plan through which they can keep Pragya away from Abhi and asks him to execute the plan, as she can’t trust Tanu and that she would not want to include Tanu in her future plans as she always spoils it. Nikhil sees someone standing and cuts the call. Just when Nikhil hangs up his call, he is confronted by Purabh who asks him that to whom he was talking to but does not find out that Nikhil was talking to Aaliya. Nikhil is relieved to learn that and tells Purabh that it is not good to overhear someone's conversation. Purabh asks where Pragya is? Nikhil says he is wasting his time and that if she was with him then he would have gotten her dead body. Purabh warns him and leaves. Nikhil thinks to concentrate on the plan. Pragya thinks that she will have to do something to tell Abhi about her whereabouts. She removes the cloth from her mouth and shouts for Abhi asking him to save her. Meanwhile, Abhi too is contacting people to learn about Pragya and all of a sudden he feels to have heard Pragya calling her. He tries to search for her. Mitali says Pragya is not at home. Tanu thinks Abhi has gone mad in Pragya’s love. Abhi feels that Pragya is not here but he heard her calling his name as if she is in some danger and gets worries for her.
A worried Sarla comes to Nikhil’s house to inquire about Pragya. She asks him where her daughter is and accuses him for kidnapping Pragya. Nikhil says her daughter is a big business woman and may be she went somewhere. Sarla says no, he have kidnapped her and asks him to say it. Since he did not revealed anything then Sarla tries to check his phone and manages to finds Aaliya number in the call history. Nikhil takes his phone. Sarla gets shocked saying that Aaliya is with him and tells him that she will tell Abhi now itself. Nikhil asks her to hear him and says he was talking to Aaliya now and that Aaliya came to Mumbai and have kidnapped Dr. Sheela’s daughter. He adds that Pragya went to save that girl and got kidnapped herself. Sarla slaps him and says she will find out about her daughter, and will save her. She will tell everything to Abhi now, and then he will be punished. Nikhil gets angry. Sarla says she will go and bring Abhi and the Police back. Nikhil threatens her to do as he says otherwise if she reveals anything to Abhi about their evils plans then he will kill her daughter before Abhi reaches him. He further tells Sarla that she know that he can kill her as he tried to kill her, but she was saved and that it is his warning. Sarla cries and asks him not to do anything to Pragya and agrees to keep her mouth silent. Nikhil asks her to relax and asks her to do his work. Sarla agrees. Nikhil thinks Pragya’s chapter will end from Abhi’s life.
Sarla comes home and is worried. Beeji asks what happened? Sarla starts crying in front of Beeji and Janaki as how can she destroy the marital life of her daughter as Abhi is everything for her. She shows her divorce papers and says Nikhil gave her those papers. Beeji says they have to tell Abhi. Sarla says she can’t tell him as Pragya’s life is in danger. She can’t get Abhi’s signatures on the papers, and can’t face him. She don’t know how Pragya’s signatures came on these papers, she always wish to see her daughter happy with her husband. Beeji says she have lost so many relations, but won’t let anything happen to Abhi. She will give the divorce papers to Abhi and tell him to sign them and asks Sarla not to worry.
Pragya thinks if her heart voice has reached him or not. She reminisces and a flashback is shown. Abhi brings pakodas for Pragya. Pragya says Robin must have made it. Abhi says but he have brought it. He asks her to play game with him, and says if he win then he will be called a true lover. Pragya thinks he always left wet towel on bed. Abhi hears her heart talk correctly. Pragya thinks he would have look handsome without beard. Kaisa yeh Ishq hai songs plays in the background. Abhi says he will not remove beard and moustache as he look smart in it. Pragya is surprised and asks how did he know? Abhi says he can hear her inner talk. Flashback ends. Pragya thinks Abhi will not come to her.
Abhi goes to the police station in order to files a complaint regarding Pragya. He tells the inspector that Pragya has gone missing since last night and he thinks she is in some danger. He asks the inspector to find his wife as soon as possible. The inspector too cooperates with Abhi and says 24 hours are not over yet and asks him to go home and not to worry. He inspector says that if she is a responsible lady she will return back but if he still want him to search her, he will try. Abhi misses Pragya badly and wishes that when he reach home, he finds Pragya. Later, Pragya's Daadi comes to Abhi's house to meet him. Daadi greets Beeji and asks if she would like to have anything. Beeji says no and says she wants to talk to Abhi. Abhi reaches home and finds Pragya's Daadi. He feels she has come to ask about Pragya and he starts consoling her not to worry that everything will be alright comes as he will search for her. But, Beeji interrupts him that she is not worried as she knows where Pragya is. Abhi gets relieved and happy to hear that. He says he knew she will return back. Beeji tells him in a stern voice that she will not return back. She neither wants to meet him nor talk to him. Abhi asks where is she? Beeji refuses to tell him and tells him that she just wants him to read the papers and sign these papers. Abhi gets the shock of his life learning how Pragya could come talking to him about it. Tanu asks what are these papers? Beeji says divorce papers. Beeji reasserts herself that Pragya wants a divorce from him. Abhi is shocked. Nikhil thinks to book tickets for grand masti film, before it gets house full. He sees someone coming and checks. Meanwhile, Aaliya comes inside to meet Nikhil. Nikhil gets tensed. Aaliya says she has taken all measures to ensure that nobody is following her. She asks if the work is done. Nikhil assures her that the divorce papers have infact reached Abhi's house must be going through the papers and that her plan is working perfectly. Tanu might call them now to give them the good news. Aaliya is happy and says she knew she couldn't go wrong with this one and says Abhi will go in shock. He will think why did Pragya haven’t come in front of him, and will get angry and sign on it. Nikhil says it is her idea to send those papers with her family and that Beeji will not leave any chance to convince Abhi to sign. Aaliya says once Abhi signs the divorce papers, Pragya will be throw n out of the house and then she will be able to return to the house. She will trap Abhi slowly in her trap for her advantage. Nikhil asks who has executed this plan. He tries to take credit. Aaliya asks why didn’t he get idea before. Nikhil says who can kidnap Pragya, then can’t he get her signatures on the papers. Aaliya says she want to see the end result, and want to see Pragya out of the Mehra Mansion. She want to meet Pragya and see her marriage breaking. Nikhil says he wants to enjoy too.
Abhi asks Beeji in disbelief that why would Pragya want him to divorce her. Beeji says it is not a joke and asks him to sign so that she can take it. Beeji adds that Pragya wants to separate from him, she wants to be independent and she cannot hurt herself anymore. Abhi says she is lying. He says Pragya don’t want to go away from him. Tanu gets happy that now her way is clear to fulfill her dreams of marrying Abhi and become the owner of his property as Pragya will not come inner way. He says he accept that he didn’t trust her, but it doesn’t mean that she will send divorce papers. Tanu asks Abhi to sign on the papers and return it. Abhi says he would not sign on the papers as these too might be fake papers and signatures as the DNA report. Tanu intervene and in an attempt to convince him to sign the papers, Tanu says Pragya has been exposed and that is why she doesn't want to face him. She tells him that this papers and signature are original and these papers are brought by Pragya's Daadi. She reminds him that they always wanted to divorce Pragya so that they can marry and says it is a freedom from her. She tries to emotionally blackmail him and asks him to think about his family and sign. Daasi says this is not just between them, it is between their families too. She says Abhi will talk to Pragya and asks about her move.
Ajay says Pragya have to take elders consent to get divorce. Purabh says Abhi will not sign as these papers are fake. Tanu says Pragya never respected him or thought about his family. She says if she cared for him then she would have come here and talked to everyone. Abhi tells his and Pragya's family that he would only sign the divorce papers after talking to Pragya and unless Pragya asks him to sign them. Tanu says Pragya tried to kill her baby and when she couldn’t be successful, she played this conspiracy and that Pragya’s family also wants this divorce. She asks why can't they decide between Pragya and her and asks if he want heir or enemy of the house.
Daadi asks Beeji to tell clearly and asks about Pragya and what did she tell her? She know well that she can’t do this. She is not her daughter in-law, but a daughter. She tells Beeji that she is sure that Beeji is hiding something as Pragya cannot do something like this. Beeji says Pragya don’t want to meet anyone and that’s why she has sent her. She couldn’t bear anymore now and asks to give her freedom. Tanu smirks. Beeji says Abhi has decided to marry Tanu, then to give freedom to Pragya and sign on the papers. She says Pragya has suffered a lot. Abhi says they have suffered and bear her tortured. He won’t sign on these divorce papers. Tanu gets tensed.
Beeji reasserting herself to Abhi that Pragya wants freedom from all relationships. She requests Abhi to sign on the papers else Pragya wouldn't be able to live. Purabh gets suspicious and asks Beeji what does she mean by she will not live. He asks her where is she? Beeji says she is at home. Abhi asks she is saying this? He says he will divorce Pragya and sign on the papers only after talking to her. Beeji says she don’t want to meet him, and she won’t let him meet or talk to her. Abhi says he will meet her even if she don’t want to meet him. When Beeji tries to stop her, Abhi tells her that she can take Pragya’s decisions, but not his. He walks off, although Tanu tries to stop him. Abhi is in car and thinks about Beeji’s words. He thinks Pragya wants to end all relations with him. He reminiscences about the good and bad times spent with Pragya while driving. He tells himself that Pragya can’t do this, she can’t do this with their love and can never want to end their relationship. Tanu gets tensed and thinks what will happen now.
Aaliya and Nikhil are having drink and says cheers. Aaliya says she got peace seeing Pragya’s face in kidnapper’s place. Nikhil says Tanu will call them now. Tanu decides to call them. She calls them and says she called to give them bad news. She informs them that Abhi refused to sign on the papers and insisted to meet Pragya. Nikhil asks how can she let him go? Tanu says she tried to stop him, but he didn’t listen and went. Nikhil gets angry. Aaliya asks what is wrong with her and that she couldn’t do a little work. She asks her to get his signatures anyhow. Tanu says Abhi went already. She immediately cuts the call seeing Daadi coming there. Daadi says she was talking to Nikhil now. Tanu is relieved. Daadi asks if she is behind the divorce papers. Tanu says no, and says divorce papers are brought by Pragya’s Daadi. She adds that Abhi and Pragya’s relation have no future and life, she don’t need to do anything and that just a wind is enough to end their relation. Daadi says that if she gets to know that she is behind all this then it will not be good for her and leaves.
Abhi comes to Sarla’s house and asks her where Pragya is. Beeji also comes there. She gets tensed and thinks he will not sign until he meets Pragya and Pragya's life will be in danger. She is worries for Pragya. Meanwhile, Pragya cries thinking about Abhi. Pari asks why is she crying? Pragya says if their dear ones are separated then it hurts. Pari asks if she is talking about Abhi. Pragya recalls signing on the papers, when Nikhil threatened to kill Pari and kept knife on her neck. She goes into flashback where Nikhil asks Pragya to sign on the papers fast and do not forget that knife is on her neck. Flashback ends. Pari says Abhi must also be crying there. Pragya thinks how Nikhil forcibly made her sign on the divorce papers. She tells herself that if he loves her then he would never sign on the papers. Tu Meri jaan hain song plays in the background. She is relieved and thinks Abhi will not sign as he is not helpless. She thanks Pari and says she will not cry now. Pari says she is looking like rock star rocking wife. Pragya thinks Abhi will be sad though. She tries to informs him that she is kidnapped and thinks to inform him somehow that she is kidnapped. She gets an idea.
Abhi asks them to call Pragya. Janki lies to him that Pragya has gone for shopping with Sarla. Abhi says you are lying and says Pragya might be crying somewhere sitting at a corner. He refuses to believe them and says he wouldn't go until they call her and will also wait for her. Abhi sees Pragya’s signature on an old picture of Pragya and Bulbul’s picture. He matches it with her signatures on the divorce papers and says he thought this paper is not hers, but it seems she has actually signed on the divorce papers herself. He says if it was easy for her. She forgot their love, and asks how can she forget that he love her so much. He is shattered to know that she has decided to end their relationship and has gone on shopping. Pragya thinks God to please show her the way. Pari tells Pragya that she wants to go to the washroom. Pragya calls the goon and tells him that Pari wants to go to the washroom. But the goon refuses. Pragya says she can’t control it and asks him to take her to the washroom. The goon agrees. Pragya asks Pari not to get scared and go with the goon.
Beeji tells Janki that she can’t see Abhi in this condition, and says she can’t let Pragya in danger. Abhi thinks this is Pragya’s sign, but why did she sign? He thinks she don’t care about him. Pragya who somehow manages to get the mobile makes a call to Abhi from the goon phone. But, Abhi disconnects the phone seeing unknown number. Abhi thinks she has done wrong and don’t care about him. He decides if she doesn't care about him even he will not worry over her and tells himself that if she wants his signatures, she will have to come to him to ask for it.


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