Monday's Updates On Love oh Love 11-09-2017

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Episode 60 - 62
Akshat, Arpita, Raj and Avni are in the Holi celebrations. Avni makes video of everyone. Arpita requests her not to film her video while eating. Akshat feels the spice and runs for water. Avni places the handy-cam on the table and leaves behind him to get him a qulfi. Madhuri comes to Raj and tells him to confess his love in front of Avni. He says they have just make friends and how can he tell her now that he loves her. Madhuri tells him that Avni’s father is searching a proposal for her. This gets taped in the recorder. Raj gets shocked at the revelation as he finds out that Avni's father is planning to get her married to somebody else. He asks again “Avni’s proposal!”. Madhuri tells him that until he tells her that he loves her then she would neither recognize his feelings nor her own attractions towards him. But he says that he will not tell her now. He will wait for the time when he would see love in her eyes as well. Whether she lives with him or not, he’ll always have a place for her in his heart. He will wait for her.
He turns around to see Avni is listening to the conversation. He moves forward to tell her not to misunderstand her. Madhuri also defends Raj. Avni starts laughing. Jiju comes to Raj and tells him that someone mixed the plain Qulfi and the Qulfi with bhang in it together, and Avni eat the later. Raj is relieved. They all see Akshat climbing up a stair; he also had the same Qulfi. He behaved like drunk and everyone started convincing him to come down else he will fall. Arpita calls Raj to do something about it. He takes Arpita along and calls Akshat that he is kidnapping his wife. Akshat agrees to come downstairs. He goes to help him. As he comes down, he runs after Raj to fetch him. Akshat receives a call. Seeing Akshat’s state, Arpita hands his phone to Raj. Raj attends to the call, he tells Suket that Akshat is nowhere near and he can give his message for him. Suket tells them to come back home soon. Arpita is worried how they will manage Akshat if they go home. Akshat and Avni were still drunk, pretending to drive and enjoy a parked car. Raj comes from behind. Arpita asks him for help. He manages to get Akshat out of the car. Arpita drives the car while Raj and Avni sits at the back.
Bhavna is shocked to see her children in such a state. She asks what happened to them both and Arpita explains. Bhavna is worried what their father will say if he sees them in this state. Bauji calls from inside. Bhavna, Raj and Arpita struggles to hold them as Suket arrives. Raj and Arpita manages to hide the other two behind the bushes while Bhavna keeps Suket busy in the lawn. When he is about to go back inside, she asks him to have a cup of tea with her. She makes him sit in the lawn while she herself comes back and tell Arpita that she only has ten minutes to take them to their room and make them sleep, while she tries to keep Suket outside.
Raj takes Avni to bed her room. He asks if he consider him her friend then she must listen to what he is saying. Avni is in fun mood. She says her room is swaying in circles. He tells her that her room is tired, she will sleep in her room will feel better. As he is about to leave, Avni holds his hand and stands on the bed again. She tells him she enjoyed today’s Holi a lot because of him. She lays on the bed and falls asleep. Raj thinks he want to spend his whole life with her.
Bauji asks Bhavna he heard the voices of children and asks where were they? She tells him about the situation. He tells her he’ll take care of Suket and she should not worry. Suket comes inside and reminds Bhavna she had forgotten bringing Tulsi leaves, he hand her over. He tells her to send her tea in the room. As he turns around, he sees colour on the floor, gets annoyed and asks who did this. Raj comes inside and says he did this. He came to wish them Holi and the colour dispersed on the floor. Arpita agrees with him. Suket asks about Avni and Akshat. Arpita tells him that they are taking bath. Dauji tells Raj to go home and take bath too.
Madhuri and Sheru are discussing about Avni’s proposal. Madhuri tells him that Avni forgot her handy-cam and Raj will get another chance to meet her. He should not worry, but Sheru wants to act upon something now. Raj is watching the video on the handy-cam. He falls asleep when the part of recording is being played.
They were sitting on dinner table. Suket asks Akshat how the party was. Akshat tells that it was good. Suket asks why they didn’t come for lunch. He tells him that they had eaten much sweet at the party. Suket asks ‘had they only eaten sweets or had drunk something as well’; He scolds him that he cannot cheat his father. He should get serious now as he is married, and he went to the party with his wife and sister. He also scolds Bhavna for covering the parties. Bauji interferes and reminds that Suket had also once did the same. Suket resists, but Bauji tells him that he knew how his mother had taken her to his room. Avni asks excitingly had their father also get drunk but Suket scolds her again. He thinks to himself that no one is taking him seriously; recently there have been changes in Avni as well. He should talk to Shastri ji again.
Arpita brings lemonade for Akshat. Avni is watching them from the window. She tells him that her head is also aching. He tells her to lie down while he massages her head. He tells her that he gave him a lot of tension today. She said not at all, he said a lot of good things about her today. Akshat says he doesn’t remember anything. Arpita calls Avni and gives her the lemonade. She tells her that she had seen Akshat massaging Arpita’s head. Arpita says that Akshat is the kind of husband she had wished for. She wishes that Avni also gets a husband like that. Avni thanks her but wonders what kind of a guy he wants. Then Suket tells Shastri ji that he already know the kind of guy he wanted for Avni.
Avni is thinking that she wants a husband who is disciplined like her father, naught like Abhay and loving and romantic like Akshat; but how will she find all these qualities in one man. She thinks she just want that he should be someone she can smile looking at, like Arpita does. Suket tells Shastri ji that he wants a guy who can keep Avni happy. He should be from a well-mannered family like theirs.
Avni and Abhay are running after gevar (a sweet). Bhavna protects the dish from the attack of them both. Arpita is also there. Bhavna says that she won’t give it to any of them. Avni says that for 18 days from today mummy will not eat anything. Abhay asks how do she stay hungry for this long. Bhavna tells him that when he love someone, he can stay hungry for him as well. She tells him that Goddess Parwati kept this fast for Shiv ji. Since then every woman fasts for her husband. Arpita says she is also excited about her first fast but a little nervous too. Soon Bhavna realizes she had to do Bauji’s packing as he is going to village for some urgent work. She hands the dish to Arpita and tells her not to allow both of them to touch it.
The next morning, Raj talks in his sleep about his love with Avni. Madhuri sits near him, takes the camera from his hand. She wakes him up and tells him to get ready quick. He had to go to return Avni’s camera as well. She reminds him that Gangor is starting from today. He tells her to pack some gevar for Avni as well. She leaves by telling him to copy all the videos on laptop.
Bhavna and Arpita take arti of their husbands. Avni asks can they also eat it now and attacks on the food. She asks how her mother had controlled herself. Bhavna tells that with love comes the will power as well.
Sheru tells Madhuri that she does not need to do any more fasting. He tells her that he will also fast as he wants the long life of his wife as well. The video is playing. At the Raj’s confession scene, they both get their attention towards it. They get worried and thinks that they should remove this video at any cost. Madhuri thinks that she should call Raj. Raj arrives at Avni’s house and forgets his mobile in the car. Bhavna introduces her daughter-in-law to a friend Sonali when Raj arrives from the back and tells her that she brought special gevar for her sister and everyone else. Then Shastri ji arrives. Everyone goes to greet him while Raj gets disturbed and remembers what Madhuri had talked to him about. Avni sees her handy-cam from Raj’s hands and thanks him for bringing it back. She comes inside watching the video in the camera. Bhavna tells her to prepare for prayers. She leaves the camera there and goes inside.
At pooja, Bhavna asks Arpita to get something from the kitchen. Arpita finds the camera on dining table and starts watching the video. Raj later gets into the car and sees the missed calls from Madhuri. He calls her back. Madhuri tells him that video also contained their conversation. He gets out of the car to take back the camera. As he comes out of the car he sees Arpita and already standing on the door.
Arpita leaves while Avni stays. Raj tells her that she is getting him wrong. Avni says that she thought he will never break her trust, but trust kept afar, he had broken her heart. She tells him she does not want to talk to him, she goes inside and closes the door. Raj complains to God that why did she get to know about his love in such a way. Avni and Arpita comes laughing and open the door again. They tells him that they are talking about his expressions when he got to know they had eaten bhang-wali qulfi. Raj is relieved.
He asks them if they had watched the full video. They tell him that Akshat had taken the camera to his site and he wanted to record something but they did not know where his site is. Raj reaches the site with his brother in-law who had called the office to get the information of sit. As Raj reaches there, Akshat is watching something on the camera with serious attention. He stops to see. Akshat comes to him and asks what is he doing. He says he just come to meet him as he was passing by. He asks for the camera bit Akshat says he has some recording he could not delay to show his dad. Raj says he will have to do something soon. Akshat brings the camera to his dad but Bhavna calls them as it is time for breaking fast. Madhuri, Sheru and Raj also comes to break their fasts with them. As Madhuri is about to delete the video from the camera, Devika comes and takes it from her to do the recording. Avni comes to Raj and appreciates him for bringing Madhuri there as well. Raj is disturbed and Avni noticed it. She asks but Raj is quiet. She then sees Devika with the camera and tells Raj to do the recordings as he knew it's function. He gets hold of the camera and is deleting the video when Abhay comes from behind, snatches the camera and tells him that the button he is pressing is of DELETE. He tells him he will do the recording and goes away. Akshat takes the camera to his dad as he is in a good mood.
Shastri ji tells him to keep the camera in the foot of God before viewing the progress. He obliges. Bhavna announces that everyone is leaving. Suket goes to bid them farewell. Raj takes the camera, as he is about to delete the video Suket calls and scolds him for holding the camera. Raj prays for some magic as he hands the camera to Suket. He drops the camera from his hands; it breaks. Suket scolds Raj for the camera. Bhavna tells Suket to calm down and not be angry. Madhuri and Sheru heads to leave also scolding Raj. As they come out, the three of them celebrate. Avni comes from behind and stops him. She says that whatever his problem is has got solved now. She can see it on his face. He tells her he will gift her new handy-cam. She refuses to accept such a gift and tells him that she is happy because he is. He leaves.
Akshat and Bhawna discuss how they can improve dad’s mood by showing him the present Bhavna had bought for him. Arpita comes in Suket’s room and tells him that they can retrieve all the videos in camera to the laptop. Suket appreciates her work.
Arpita shows Suket how they could retrieve all the videos from camera’s memory card. He appreciates her and tells her he will see all the videos by himself. Arpita meets Avni at the stairs and tells her she had retrieves all the data. Avni calls Raj telling him the news. Raj gets worried. Suket plays the video and leaves from the study. Then Bhavna comes in the room, Akshit also comes and asks where dad is. Bhavna shows him the pen she had bought for him. Arpita and Abhay also separately heads for study to meet Suket for separate purpose.
Raj, Sheru and Madhuri come to Avni’s place again. They are worried that everyone must be watching the videos together. Madhuri pretends to faint while Sheru calls everyone. Suket asks that they had left, but Sheru explains that Madhuri only remembered in half way that she had left her purse here. He tells Raj to get the purse while he involves others with Madhuri. Raj goes upstairs, finds the camera’s memory card and comes downstairs. Madhuri is lying in the sofa and tells everyone she is fine now. As they go out, Madhuri tells Raj they’ll pay for the handy-cam. Suket hears them
Avni's brothers play a trick on her and make her a fool to celebrate April Fool's day where Avni who is in the room. She hears some baby crying. She comes downstairs and asks if Abhay could also hear the sound too. He asks which sound. Akshat also couldn’t hear the sounds. Avni is worried so Abhay tells him that it is coming from her slippers. He had put in some sound instruments in her slippers. They make April fool of her. Bhavna comes to Avni and tells her to call Raj. Meanwhile, Raj, Madhuri and Sheru couldn’t find the right video in the memory chip. Raj concluded that someone had seen the video and deleted it, when Avni calls and tells him her mother wanted to meet him now. He got worried as he is asked to arrive at Avni's place on urgent basis.
On the dining table, Bhavna looked tensed. Avni wonders if it's because of Raj. Suket asks Bhavna to find his file as soon as she gets free before leaving. Bhavna follows. Abhay and Akshat were thinking for a prank to make fool of Arpita now. Avni tells it shouldn’t be a big one. Raj drives to Avni’s house. He is worried what Bhavna aunty must be thinking about him. Avni is in the lawn thinking that Arpita is so sweet; she would immediately know that Avni’s brothers were playing pranks on her. She thought she must hide somewhere. Raj sees her and asks what happened. Avni repeats as he says. He says nothing. She repeats again. Raj asks if she knew why her parents had called her. She says no she doesn’t. He should go and meet him on the terrace and leaves.
Suket is in terrace. Raj comes. Suket tells him that whatever happened yesterday about the handy-cam was all wrong. How could he think he ( Suket ) will never know what his sister said. Raj tells him that she was worried so she must have said so. Suket says now it's upto them how they reacted about it. He had heard himself that his sister said they will give compensation about the camera, how dare they. Raj apologized on Madhuri behalf and asks is this only what he had called him for. Suket asks was there supposed to be something else. Raj says no and leaves. Raj greets Bhavna at the gate. Bhavna tells him that she wants to talk to him about something. Raj gets worried again.
Abhay, Akshat and Avni were planning about the prank they were going to play on Arpita. Raj sees them and thinks they are all so relaxed, they must not have seen the video. They see him, Avni asks had he meet mum? He says she told him to wait. Abhay tells him not to wander in the house like this; Avni asks why he is talking like this. Abhay says that he can spoil their plan. Raj tells him he won’t tell anything to Arpita. They must carry on. Raj is worried that Bhavna never gets serious with anyone like this.
Arpita comes in the kitchen asking why Abhay called him. He tells her to make him firratas (parathas) with her hands. She says sure and heads for the flour-box they had kept on the cabinet. Akshat and Avni were hidden behind the table. As Arpita is struggling to get the box down, Avni forced Akshat to save her as she may get hurt. Akshat runs and saves Arpita drowning himself in the flour. Abhay appreciates Akshat for his heroic act and teases him for being so loving to his wife and destroying the plan of April fool.
Raj is worried when Bhavna comes to him. She says it is very important and she herself wants to talk to him about it. Raj suspects if she is going to ask him to never meet Avni again.


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