Thursday's Update On Bride With Benefits 10-05-2018

Thursday's Update On Bride With Benefits 10-05-2018
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Aditya and Jagadev returns 4 crores ( 4 millions) to Phul singh. Phul gets tensed seeing this. Jagadev says he does not want to keep his debt. Aditya says he will leave as people will come for booking and he also needs to visit the construction site. Once they leave, Phul’s assistant says they are clearing their debt and soon they will be debt-free. Phul says he will never let them go from his grip. Jagadev with Aditya reaches home and asks his family members if they believe him now. Payal tells her father-in-law that Phul is a big fraud and she is afraid he may thug them. Jagadev yells at her and asks her to do her work while he gets busy with thug friends. Payal asks Dev how to make them believe her. He says they have to gather proof.

Jagadev gets busy having food with family when his door bell rings. He thinks his customers have come for booking and asks his servant to open the door. The customers rush in and start breaking things. Jagadev asks what are they doing. They yell that he is trying to sell them flat on a leased land. They all demand their money back and ask where will they go if government will ransack their flats. The police inspector enters and asks who is Jagadev Prasad and Aditya Prasad. Jagadev says he is. The inspector says he did a fraud by trying to construct flats on leased land and now the land will be under court’s grip and he cannot construct anything until the court gives any judgement. Jagadev is shocked but he is unaware that Phul doesn’t want him to pay him back so he makes a move which causes a huge uproar amongst his clients. The reporters throng Payal’s place and ask her if she knew about her family’s fraud for selling flats made on lease land and ask Payal if she did not know about all this. The people says she knows all this and can't deny that she does not know. The people start fighting and demand for their money. Aditya starts fighting with them. The inspector disperses them. Payal says she will get them justice and money back and will not let them down. The inspector says they should believe Payal. The people agree and leave. The inspector then gives Payal court notice and she accepts it.

Phul Singh watches the news about Jagadev and Aditya’s fraud and Payal interfering to solve the issue. He laughs and says with his cunning mind, he will grab their house soon. Dev meanwhile asks his father if this was his plan and his words that he will thug people were true. Goonjun yells at Aditya that she thought her husband has changed, but he has not. Aditya asks her to stop her drama. Payal says they should stop fighting and see how to pay Phul his remaining 1 crore as the house papers are in his clutch. Jagadev shouts that he will find out any solution as he has till 6 months left. At the same time, Phul Singh enters and says he had given them 15 days and have only 2 days left to repay his debt, else he will take over their house

Rajath watches the news with his parents and shouts at them that they did not believe him and now Jagadev and his family’s true colours are out. Balaram says he will find out the reason. Rajath says he cannot do anything as Jagadev is w fraud and adds that he lost his hard earned money now. Phul tells Jagadev that he cannot wait for his money now and needs his money back. Jagadev says he has 6 months left and will repay him but Phul says he gave them only 15 days time and shows him the clause in the paper. Natru says he thugged them. Phul says if he does not get the money in 2 days, he will take over his house.

Phul also warn Aditya that he needs his money back in 2 days, else he will take over the house. Aditya angrily tries to hit him, but Dev and Jagadev stop him. He asks how dare they are to think of snatching his house. Phul's assistant reply that it is their boss’s. Aditya tries to hit him and again Dev and Jagadev stops him. Phul says he is a businessman and does not like violence, he warns them to return their money in 2 days and leaves. Jagadev starts his drama and shouts that Phul betrayed him and sent police and people to him. Aditya consoles him but Santoshi scolds Aditya that he and his dad’s fraud mind got them on the road and she will not spare them if her children’s shelter are taken away. Dev scolds him that he wanted to drag him in his forgery and now is repenting himself. Goonjun starts her turn and says their bad deed is taking them on the road. Payal says instead of fighting, they all together should find a solution. Later, Payal shows her jewelry to Dev and says she don’t think they can arrange 1 crore with this jewelry. Dev says he will apply for a loan and take help from all his friends and relatives.

Rajath calls his assistant Jatin and asks him to speak to don Thakurji and get more contracts as all his money is looted in the flat deal. He decides he will take his dad and demand his money from Jagadev and Aditya. On the other hand, Jagadev fume reading the news in the newspaper about their forgery. Balaram who is disturbed by the bad news so he visits the Prasads with Rajath. Jagadev murmurs that they came to add fuel on fire and greets them in. He asks Santoshi to bring tea for Samdhiji. Balaram consoles Jagadev and says he can pay him later as it is family issue. Aditya shouts that he came for his money and not as a family member. Rajath says he is misunderstanding them but they doesn’t know what actually awaits them at their home when Jagadev yells that he is not and says Balaram forgot all his favors of getting his daughter married without dowry and even got discount on the flat and that at least he would have forgotten the money thinking it as his daughter’s dowry. Balaram and Rajath are shocked to see his true color. Balaram asks what is he talking about. Jagadev says they have come to scratch his wounds and leaves with Aditya. Santoshi apologizes on Jagadev’s behalf. Balaram says he is tensed, so he blurted out and he did not feel bad. He asks about Payal and she says she is in her room. He goes towards her room.

Payal informs Dev that she is going to the bank to seek for a loan and sell her jewelry. Goonjun comes there and says she was always against her and blamed her always, but she was wrong. Dev apologizes to her if he and Payal had hurt her by mistake but Goonjun says her brother gave 10 millions and many items in dowry and when she told Payal not to marry Dev, she went ahead, so she got angry on her and thought she is trying to enjoy lavish life here. She later reailzed her goodness as her father-in-law wanted a working daughter-in-law and got her here. Soon, she converted this house’s male dominance to equality. She got an younger sister in her and she promises that she will help them in saving this house. Payal raises her head and is shocked to see her father and brother hearing their conversation how Goonjun’s confession that her father-in-law got her married to Dev for her monthly salary and he needed working daughter-in-law. A panic Payal tries to speak and stop them but they angrily walk down on hearing this. Rajath shouts at Aditya and Jagadev to come down and holds Aditya’s collar and says if he does not return his money, he will kill him. Jagadev asks him why is he making rukus and assures him that he will pay his money when it comes. Rajath says he came to know about his truth via Goonjun. Jagadev makes his usual mangoose faces.

Balaram fuming on Jagadev for thugging him and getting his daughter Payal married to his incompetent son Dev for her salary. He reminisces Goonjun telling Jagadev wanted dowry every month and asks how can he do just a big fraud. Rajath says it is waste talking to these filthy dirty people. Payal tries to intervene and says she cannot see her in-laws insult. Her father, Balaram says he will not let her stay in the house and drags her with him asking her to come with him. Payal refuses and stops at the door and says this is her house now and she will not leave her family during their tough times. Rajath asks why is she taking these thugs’ side. Payal says she knew all this from before as Dev informed her everything before marriage and is not involved in all this. She tells them that Dev is a very nice man and loves her a lot. She adds that he is trying his best to open a coaching center and she is sure one day he will for sure. Dev interferes and tells his father-in-law that he has right to take Payal from their house, but he just needs 1 chance to prove himself and he will open his coaching center in 10 days and will prove he is competent for his daughter, else he himself will drop Payal at his door.

On hearing this, Balaram calms down and says his happiness is in his daughter’s happiness and he just wants to see her happy, saying 10 days and leaves with Rajath. Payal runs to her room weeping. Santoshi comes with Goonjun and apologizes to her for her mistake. Payal asks her not to apologize. Goonjun says she is very courageous and brave that she took this decision. Santoshi says her family troubled her so much, but she did not utter anything. Goonjun asks her to wipe her eyes and says she has to tell her something. Meanwhile, Dev with Rajesh meets a bank manager for a loan and the manager says he cannot give him loan but has a job for him. Dev accepts the job and Rajesh asks what kind of job. Dev says he can do anything.

Santoshi and Goonjun bring their jewelry and tell Payal that they can sell all these and repay the loan. Goonjun calls jeweller. Balaram and his family tensely discuss about Payal’s situation and Payal's uncle asks what to do now. Rajath says they should get her divorced but Balaram scolds him and asks if he did not see Payal love for Dev. He promises Indu that he will set things right. Phul Singh laughs and tells his assistant that he is waiting to grab the Prasad's house. His assistant asks what if they get the money but Phul confidently says he will not let that happen.

The jeweller comes to the Prasad's and Goonjun asks him to evaluate the jewelry and she is sure it is more than 10 millions. On knowing that Santoshi and Goonjun want to sell their jewelry, the jeweller says they are all fake and the trios are shocked and asks how can it be. The jeweller says Jagadev insisted to make fake jewelry and threatened him not to tell it to anyone. On hearing this, Goonjun gets furious and tries to hit him with her slipper for not telling them, but Payal stops her and says it is not his mistake. Santoshi says it is Jagadev’s trick. Indu on the other hand cries and tells Balaram that Payal’s life is ruined. Balaram says he will get Payal back home and gave Dev 10 days as he saw same love which he has for Payal in Dev’s love. Indu asks what will happen to Neelu’s marriage now. Neelu comes there and says she will not marry.


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